
60 years after WW II do other countries still have combat troops in Germany?

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If there are troops there, how do Germans feel about being occupied.




  1. Yes, other countries do still have troops in Germany.  They are the Britains and the Americans.  Some Germans do not really care.  Others are debating weather or not to get them out.

  2. Brits and Americans still have bases there. Some are anti British. They call them island apes. Some dont care. Hey we're all mates now though! Kinda.

  3. Yes, many foreign countries have bases there, and ther Germans are still prohibited from having a meaningful standing army.  Mainly this is because 20 years after WW1, we didn't and zee germans started up again.  Fool me once, shame on you and all...

  4. Well the UK and the USA (for two) have bases there but it really is no occupation. Apparently the troops stationed there bring in a lot of money for the relevant regions. I imagine rather than being a hangover from WWII it has something to do with the Cold War and West Germany a front. Now I suppose it's still of tactical significance - there's only former Eastern Bloc countries between it and the Middle East. I know from my Dad that where he lived (not German but he worked there for a bit) there was a huge American base that the locals hated (sqaddies think they owned the place etc) but was essential to the viablility of the local economy.

    Not a German so don't know the emotive response.

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