
-60F + Global Warming = Yeah Right?

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What the h**l are they talking about global warming down here in Canada for? Were having one of the coldest winters ever its -60F here for 4 days in a row! This is definitly not warm.




  1. Well, AGW can cause more extreme weather, so floods, droughts, hot, cold, anything can be caused by it.

    All except for extremely good weather, like no hurricanes.  For some reason AGW ignores that possibility.

    As you may have already figured out, any warming would greatly benefit Canada, Siberia, northern Europe, etc.

    So why Canada would sign on to Kyoto was always a mystery to me.  Like what is really in those bottles of Labatts  beer.  But "cooler" heads (sorry) have prevailed, and Canada is no more anxious to commit economic suicide than any of the other signatories that have reneged.

    The bright side of your cold winters is that -40 is the same temperature in both Celsius and Fahrenheit.

    Sometimes you have to think "glass half full".

  2. odysseus...if you don't like this section then why are you here reading it?  Go somewhere else.

  3. just because you dont feel it dosent mean others dont

    its there and we need to be aware of its existance

    if we forget that you may be having less snow

  4. Exactly - This year was to be warmer because of positive feedback.  Not one prediction that these clowns makes comes true.  Why do we still listen to them?

    Here's a graph from NASA showing that the temps globally are plummeting:

  5. Global warming isn't real.

    What don't you get?

    The earth's climate has always gone in cycles.

    This is a estimated climate chart from the past 400000 years.

    We only have concrete evidence from he past few hundred years or so, which is not enough to make conclusions. Based on the charts from the past 200 years or so, yes, the climate has steadily gone up. So are we assuming in previous years the climate was lower? and lower? and lower? and.... then what? The earth is BILLIONS of years old. Not 200. Just because the temperature has gone up in the past couple hundred years is not enough to conclude that it will continue rising and that this is not normal. It IS normal. The climate goes in cycles.

    Imagine if it was 60 degrees one day in July and I said, "Oh, It's a cold summer." You would tell me I was being ridiculous, because that was only one day or the entire summer and I can't draw conclusions based on one day. It is the same concept. You are making your judgments based on only a small fraction of the time earth has been around.

    Oh, and by the way, here's the past 20 years:

  6. Global warming is a natural cycle of the earth. It would have happened with or without all the c**p that humans put into the air. Yikes!! -60 is COLD!! I live in Arizona, we are at a nice 70 degrees today with a light breeze. That is why I live here!!

    Stay inside, light a fire and watch movies all day under layers and layers of blankets. That is how I would get through the freeeeeeezing temps!!

  7. I agree i am in Wisconsin USA and we had the worst winter ever much snow and many days of below 0 I think it's a start of a ice age

  8. Being in Michigan I see the same thing as you do.  I wish yahoo Q & A would just get rid of this section.  Would a rabies shot would make them all go away.

  9. Don't be stupid

  10. Weather factors can overcome global warming for a short time.  It happened in 1982, 1991-1992, 1999-2000.  EVERY TIME global warming came back stronger than ever.  Proof.

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

    As long as we keep making greenhouse gases in enormous amounts, global warming will dominate in the long run.  It's simple physics.

  11. Actually, extreme cold can be a sign of global warming. Since it's getting hotter, the polar ice caps are melting. The melted polar ice cap water goes into the ocean. Since the equator is the hottest place on Earth, the Gulf stream distrubetes the heat to the North and South poles. But the ice cap water is fresh water, and ocean water is salt water. This would disrupt the the heat being distributed, causing the equator to get really hot, and northern places to get really cold. This can trigger an ice age. It's exactly like what happened in the movie "A Day After Tomorrow"- it's possible

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