
60yrs back india got freedom bcoz of unity am,ng all sectionsof ppl. nuke-deal isthreat 2 unity how 2 overcome

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60yrs back india got freedom bcoz of unity am,ng all sectionsof ppl. nuke-deal isthreat 2 unity how 2 overcome




  1. No politically motivated statements here. Plz !

  2. 60 years back things were far different. India was being ruled by a foreign power and the people were  being oppressed like the present day Iraqis in Iraq.

    By then only two bombs were dropped which surprised every one. Which also was  the  starting point for the rat race of nations trying to acquire / possess these so called deterrents.

    The nuke deal with the US is meant for peaceful use but in the deal some clauses are there which are apprehended to be to the advantage of the US while they may compromise India's options to produce sufficient deterrence vis -a -  vis its nuclear neighbors China and Pakistan who have both declared wars of aggression.

    We have now a parliament with several parties with different shades of political ideology. Good number of the MPs are very learned , though they are bound by their respective parties' agenda and of course some of them very opportunistic and victims of their personal lust / greed for power. In the process they are compromising the nation's interests. They forget their duties as parliamentarians to deliberate on such vital matters which would have surely provided wholesome solutions.

    As to the part of the question' how to overcome' wait n watch..This is not the first time such situations have arisen. The parties know how to deall and overcome.

  3. Yes, it is true that India became Independent in 1947 due to unity and people`s participation in freedom struggle Movement. But the senario has changed--we have entered into the global villlage. Every Nation`s action affects the other.123 agreement--is an agreement for co-operation as a prerequite for Nuclear deals between the US and any other nations. Dr. Monmohan Singh,the prime minister of India has been apprising paliament at every step.He has  assured us that this deal will not hamper our Freedom. It is a political issue--let the good politicians investivate pros and cons of the deal and take necessary action. We, the peace loving  people of India, do not want to sacrifice our interest at the cost of others.I think , a solution will be reached at --Judicious thinking is necessary for its concensus.

  4. erg?

  5. Just indians must try to over come politicians and politics

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