
6N'S! BBC Commentators! Will you be honest guys and truly say that, Invardale, Moore, Gussgot, are biased?

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ARE they truly impartial ?????????????

I think not!

I have never, ever seen such an unbiased bunch of barstards in my whole fecking life!

The BBC sooooooooooo need to have a clear out!


Eddie Butler should be the first to go, followed closely by Brian Moore and Invaldale following them with the P45!

Who agrees?




  1. I guess you mean biased, not unbiased.

    They aren't biased, no.

    They are all passionate England fans (including Butler)

    There's nothing wrong with that.

    I'm not English.

    And find them entertaining, especially how smug Guscot is.

  2. moore and guscott are english.course they r biased.its in bred for the english

  3. I agree with you 100%. What i cannot understand is what is Gusgott doing there? All i can think is that he's a"Pretty Boy" for some girlies!.When he payed for England, he would leave the pitch with a cleaner kit than when went on!

  4. Eddie Butler is a joke. Brian Moore said after England beat France, and I quote - ''the 6 nations decider will now be the England/Ireland game''.

    What a pair of tw ats

  5. i disagree....

    I'm not English.... and i like the BBC reporting of the 6 nations

    England is the biggest of the home nations and therefore gets more coverage its that simple

    i think butler and Moore do a great job... Moore is just as critical of England's forwards as the opposition if not more so

    and has a knowledge of the scrum (particularly the front row) that few commentators have

    who should replace them... any suggestions ????

    its very easy to criticize

  6. Seconded.

    Motion carried!

    Get 'em off air!

  7. they dont like us winning do they but it is always about england .

  8. It isn't just the BBC , take a look at the papers today and its all about how bad England were , and nothing about Wales and Scotland's wins .

       Butler and Moore are so bloody obsessed with Wilkinson that it really ruins watching the match .

       its a shame really as most sports that England compete in are the same , just listen to motson at football and the big hype about Hamilton in f1 . the thing that makes me laugh though is they haven't won anything !

  9. i cannot stand Eddie "I played for Wales but backing England" Butler and Brian "It was a try or leave Jonnie wilkinson be" Moore

  10. Moore and Butler are two of the most annoying people in sports.

  11. i so agree with you and dont get me started with the english bbc and there commentors why do we have a bbc scotland its not for showing us scottish sport

  12. Maybe i listened to a different game to you.

    brian moore slagged off the english most of the game along with gussgot.

    What did you want him to say? only i`m a little bit confused.

    This appears to me as just another chance to slag off anything to do with england.My eyes have been opened up quite abit by some of the remarks against england/the english.especially from the welsh.

    Yes i know there have been a couple of silly coments from some english but in general we have been graceful in defeat.

    I was away when england played france and won but i bet there was no back slapping from any of the home nations.proberly saying that din`nt deserve to win it,or i will cheer for anyone who plays against england

    Still at least you have not gone down the road of citeing balshaw...................yet

  13. i know!! did u hear the half time comentry from scotland!  It was jonny jonny jonny. the poor scots were not mentioned. but good on them rubbed their noses in it good.

  14. ME!!!!!

    I'm so pi$$ed off with these guys I switched the Interactive commentary over to radio Scotland !!!!!

    They were biased too but no-where near as much!!! and it was more entertaining.

  15. I do!!!

    We just won the Triple Crown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Where were the commentators commending us??!!!!

    We never have a look in!! Even though we have won 4 bloody games!!! England played c**p today!! I wanted the Scots to win!! Good on them!!

    If England had won 4 out of 4??!!! We would never hear the end of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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