
6N's! England v Wales! How stupid is Brian Moore? When Gethin Jenkins replaced Adam Jones he asked ..........

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"who is going to be the captain now?"

When Ryan Jones was the Captain!


Should he and Eddie "I wish I was English" Butler be sacked?




  1. he has had far to many knocks to the head in the scrum...scrambled egg for brains...there is a lot of jingoism with the english commentators...

  2. Second half, headless chickens. some of the moves(dare i call them moves) were pointless. I've seen better motions come out my pet cats a*se.

  3. well i don't have the answer but i like ur mgs on it Crusha03. u just make mine day alots funny. tks im welsh too but only little of English in me and Scotland and Ireland too, blame on my mum's side of family.

  4. Couldn't agree more !!!!

    I hate having to listen to these two !!!

    You've got Brian ( I'm not at all biased or blinkered at all ) Moore

    And as for Eddie ( I'm really Welsh you know ) Butler??!?!?!?!

    Its nearly as bad as having to listen to Jezza ( smug 8@$t@rd) Guscott.

    On the Menu tonight gentlemen is Humble Pie !!!!!! good News is that with you three theres Tonnes of it !!!!

  5. Bring back Bill McLaren,and intelligent commentary

  6. Just highlights the fact that Bill Mclaren (The Voice) was God!

  7. Brian Moore cannot see any further than the borders of England.

    He is the most biased, racist commentator on the BBC.

    But boy, was it good to hear him grovel yesterday afternoon when his almighty, never-be-wrong English team were HUMILIATED by a club side.

  8. Brian moore was on Wales case the whole match..the most one eyed commentary i have ever witnessed..and I usually like him.

  9. It must be hard to think of something intelligent to say when you are watching the match so a lot of small, round gonaddy things will be talked. The partisanship of the BBC team could be overcome by having  one person from each of the nations playing and a Kiwi, Aussie or RSA anchorman. The "Experts'" views are best left for half time and the end of the match.

  10. I just do not care who commented on the match or provided inept comments, I am just happy that our team of apparent misfits in the first half came out with all guns firing and walloped England on the their own ground. Well down Wales and if we could maintain the standard of the second half throughout the Championship, 2008 could be a very good year. Thanks to the coaching staff who waved a magic wand during the half time talk.

  11. He was a putz when he played for England and he's still a putz

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