
6month old marriage on the rocks!!? soo we have a 5month old daughter?

by  |  earlier

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been together about 3 years... now he says he wants to explore his options all of a sudden?? meet other ppl?? waaat ??! he says hes confused? wat do i do??

we r only 20 by the way




  1. You're staying together.  Tell your hubby this short story...

    My mom's sister's husband's parents just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary... but they are only 75 & 76 years old.  They are nicaraguan, and they married when they were 15 & 16 in nicaragua.  They came to detroit in their 20's and had 3 kids.  One of  those kids married my mom's sister.  He is one of our favorite uncles.  

    I attended their 50th anniversary and they looked great.  They said you just gotta stick together.

    Get some beer and pizza and let the time pass.  Stay together even if things are hard or confusing.  When you're old you will have great memories of your challenges.  

    Good luck.  :)

  2. Sheesh!!!  That's why - he's 20!!!!   Come on, girl.  People told you this wouldn't last.  You guys have been playing house!!!

    You need to go back to your parents, say you made a mistake and you need help raising your daughter.

  3. you are still children your selfs

  4. I am so sorry. It does seem that things are not going well at all. If he regrets any decision he made and tries to live with it, it will only delay the inevitable which is for him to go his merry way. Be glad you only have one child and not two or three.

  5. Tell him to take your child with him and see how he does.

    How infuriating.  

    If you are still able to talk it out, I would ask him to consider what is at stake, that you have a child together, that he needs to be an adult and there are consequences to exploring his options.  His options include being a faithful husband and a good and attentive father to his child.  Marriage vows meant nothing?  Are they subject to whim?  

    If he decides to do it, freeze the bank accounts and see an attorney.  It will get his attention.

  6. Let me guess, shotgun wedding?

  7. after i cuss him out i would let him go. sounds to me there is someone else out there that he has eyes for. let him go just make him provide for his child. if he's confused all of sudden then there is nothing you can do to help him good luck

  8. he is scared... to early, too soon... too much responsibility for him.

    i am sorry you are going through all of that, some people get that way when they are afraid they are missing out..

    try to get him to goto counseling, if he won't go, go for yourself.. it will help you deal with all that is coming your way soon..

  9. i guess you can't do sorry to hear that...

  10. After going out for 3 yrs, he now wants to see other ppl?  he must be scared of being a father, of all the responsibilities it comes with, remember women mature faster than men, you guys did marry young, but if he was into you all these years why now, when there's a child, he should want to stay, but remember don't make him stay because of the child, he'll just get bitter and start resenting you both, he wants out them give it to him, but if he decides to come back some day don't make it easy for him, make him suffer, they way he is making you suffer now.  Good Luck!  

  11. You are obviously far too young for the marriage thing, not only chronologically, but I can tell by the restlessness you say he expresses.

    Let him go, now is a good time as the baby is still young and you two can probably have an amicable split up and you are young enough to figure yourselves out.

  12. honestly... there is nothing you can do about this. You can't make him think differently and counseling all that other stuff isn't going to make him think any differently either, it'll just confuse him more. He needs to decide what he wants whether to do the marriage thing or not, its his choice and he needs to Want it you can't make him want it no matter what you do.

    I know its hard because you guys got married very early in life and on top of it you have a baby, it's tough for today and how people are for today and he probably sees that guys his age are out having fun and dating many girls and doing whatever and this is why he feels like he is missing out. Just know that it's not you or the baby that's the problem, it's him and guys aren't as mature as girls, girls are nurturers and will give the world for the person that they love and their child men take a while to get there...

    I'm sorry but I don't think there is a solution for you... it's up to him. If he's not willing to be committed and be faithful to you, you need to let him go.

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