
6th Birthday Party Ideas???

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I am planning my son's 6th Birthday Party which will be the middle of April. I live about 75ft to the city park, but it is normally crowded. I want to have a great bash because it is his 1st party with friends from school (just started Kindergarten) and he is really excited. I am up to all suggestions, but I would like to keep the expense low as possible. Thanks !!!




  1. For my kids 5th birthday we did it at the park. I took food over and water balloons, prizes and did lot's of races,we did running races, sack race,hopping, then they threw water balloons at each other (paired up and threw back and forth). Did lot's of running. The play ground was right there but the kids didn't want to go in. They just wanted to run. The winner would get a prize and the rest got a lolly.

    I took little boys(little red hotdogs), rum balls (no rum) chips,fairybread,my mum lives across the road, she heated sausage rolls (i made them the day before) and party pies and bought them over and later bought the cakes over (twins) I took lot's of soft drink (soda) and water.

    We invited all the kids from kinder as most were from my mums group and I didn't want to leave a few kids out. And when you look at it the class had about 20 kids other than my two so it was 10 kids each. My son invited the boys, my daughter the girls (that way they didn't feel they had to buy two pressies )

    with food and lolly bags it was really cheap and parents told me their kids LOVED it and talked about it for days. I made all parents stay as there was a creek nearby and I didn't know half the kids. It was a great day. I think it was so loved because evryone does the McDonalds parties or play centre parties. This was simple and back to the basics. If you do water balloonns , whatever you think is enough.....triple it. They could not get enough of them

  2. Chuck E Cheese's

    Bounce House (We have a place around here called Bounce U, but if you don't, just rent one)

    Carnival theme: Paint faces, ring toss, clown, magic tricks. One of my friends had a petting zoo and a ride an elephant thing when she was younger! Relays, races, and opsticle courses.

  3. Have a fun theme party ask him what his ideas of a great 6th birthday.

  4. 6 year old love to be creative.  Have them decorate lunch bags to use when they take home a small thank you gift.  Just put out crayons or markers, glue, colored paper, stickers, whatever you have.

    Give them sidewalk chalk and let them each have an area of the driveway to decorate.  

    Have them guess how many rubber balls are in the jar.  (Of course make it a small amount) The winner takes home the jar.

    One rule of thumb, the number of chidren should be no more then the age the child is turning.  So, he should not invite more then 5 other children.  

    Serve cupcakes and let them decorate.  Have several colors of frosting and lots of little candies, etc.

    Also, if you want a parent to stay with each child, put it on the invitation.  Some parents like to drop their kids off and leave.  I dont know if you are comfortable with that.  If they do drop off, tell them what time to come back, etc.

    Most of all, just have fun

  5. chuck e cheese or a party at the house.

  6. Start by thinking of a theme....what does he like?(superman, Transformers?..others?)

    then go from there for the decorations and party favours.

    I would get a PINATA. Kids love that.

    You'll get plenty of laughs watching kids take a turn each clobbering the Pinata! Get the Camera

    They can also play "Hot potato" by filling up some balloons with water and then passing them around. Good old fashion games are still in style and are not expensive. SMILES ARE FREE!

    have fun...i hope it turns out great!

  7. Six years old is still young enough for a McDonald's party, and the little kids don't eat much at parties.  It's nice to have use of that indoor playground in case the weather is bad.

    If that will cost more than you can spend, you should ask to use the biggest yard that one of your friends or relatives has.  Make the cake and any other food the kids will eat.  Have balls, jump ropes, and other outdoor toys available.

  8. i had a bbq , with games, and of course the pinanta, it was a great hit, with family and friends. i'm goin' to be planning my 3 and a half yr olds birthday party he turns 4 in april. good luck

  9. Have a "P" party.  Everybody has to come dressed up as something begining with the letter P.  You also only eat foods, watch movies, participate in activities (etc.) begining with the letter "p".

  10. Parties at chuckee cheeses or the like are very entertaining and are actually reasonably priced since most include cake, pizza, etc.  However, at 6 years old a party at home will be a blast as well.   Renting a moon bounce would be a great idea, they LOVE that at that age.  They will be in there forever!  You can also have traditional games, like hot potato and pin the tail on the donkey.  Add some cake, ice cream and pizza and you'll have a great party.  Oh and add a theme as well.  Spiderman is popular for boys this age, or you can make it more gender neutral and do a favorite disney movie.  That way you can add favors related to the movie for both the boys and girls.

  11. Kids really like a simple birthday party, cake, ice cream, games, balloons and streamers.  

    I don't know how it is near you, but it seems to me that parties for children have turned into a major competition between parents.  My girls have had some great parties (from their friends' assessments - and they are simple - our themes have been: stars, princess, pink poodle, LarryBoy (VeggieTales), Puppy Rescue (we had each guest some rescue a puppy - Beanie Baby - from the pound, detective, and now superhero (coming this April) and all guests will come dressed as their favorite superhero, and we will play superhero games and maybe have a superhero trivia game show or something.

    Heck, if kids get bubbles and sidewalk chalk, they are happy at this age.  I get some ideas from this site, but be warned, these folks can go overboard too.

  12. i think that qute party at home can be good you only have to know what his friends like and try to get it to your house or maybe do it at the park when it is not so crowd usally

  13. If you're close with your neighbors, on friendly terms, maybe you could do a scavenger hunt through the neighborhood. Only with people you know and, of course, adult supervision.

    Have some cool prizes for the winning team. Maybe instead of cake, have them build their own sundaes, put a candle in the birthday boys! =)  

    Maybe do a theme party? Have the kids dress up in a certain type of costume, similar to costume party, and have the party favors match your theme.

    Go to the park anyway, however, have a field day. Do an egg toss (use a hard boiled egg), a three legged race, set up on obstacle course using the playground equipment provided, a wheel barrow race....That also allows you to send the kids home tired and parents will like an easy bedtime, lol!

    These are just some ideas to ponder. =)

    Have a good time!!

  14. I would have the party at your house in your backyard.

    Have some games like parce the parcel, egg and spoon race (but you can use a jelly bean instead) pin the tail on the donkey. You could also have a pinata where the kids have to bash it and get the lollies out.

    You could put little notes inside blown up balloons and have the kids pop them and whatever the note says then the kids have to do whether it be....make a silly face or jump up and down three times, etc etc.


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