
6th Season The Simpsons; What is the episode called 'Bart vs Australia' about?

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6th Season The Simpsons; What is the episode called 'Bart vs Australia' about?




  1. The episode begins with a "bathroom products race" between Bart and Lisa at the bathroom sink, whereby Bart and Lisa each pour a liquid bathroom product into a draining sink to see which gets to the drain first. Lisa wins and Bart complains that she only won because her shampoo was in the "inner lane" to his toothpaste, and that if the water were draining in the opposite direction, he would've won. Lisa explains that the water never drains the other way except in the southern hemisphere, due to the Coriolis Effect (which in reality is inaccurate), but Bart does not believe her.

    Bart proceeds to make phone calls to locations in the southern hemisphere in order to prove Lisa wrong. Then Lisa points out that international calls are expensive, so Bart decides to make a collect call instead. He calls Australia, where a little boy picks up. Pretending to represent the "International Drainage Commission", Bart asks him which way the water drains in his toilet. After being informed it's draining clockwise (proving Lisa right), a frustrated Bart asks him to go out and check on the toilets of all the neighbors. The call took six hours to complete, because the boy lives in a remote part of Australia and Bart forgot to hang the phone up after he left the room. Because it was a collect call, the boy's father is billed AUD$900. ("Nine hundred dollaridoos!") The man wants Bart to pay, but Bart taunts him. Unfortunately for Bart, the man's neighbor is an MP in Australia's Parliament, and the MP's neighbor is the country's Prime Minister. Bart subsequently receives dozens of collection letters in the mail, but does nothing about them until Lisa finally notices the envelopes piling up, and encourages Bart to tell their parents.

    Eventually, Australia indicts Bart for fraud. The United States State Department wants to send him to prison in order to placate the Australian government, but Marge furiously objects to this idea. The State Department then settles on having Bart publicly apologize in Australia. The family is sent to Australia, where they start exploring Australian culture.

    After Bart makes his apology, parliament wants to give him the additional punishment of a boot to his buttocks, using a giant boot (a parody of the Michael P. Fay caning incident in Singapore). Bart and Homer escape the booting and they try to run back to the embassy. After a prolonged standoff, the two governments propose a compromise to the Simpson family: one kick from the Prime Minister, through the gate of the embassy, with a normal shoe. Marge is opposed to the idea, but Bart agrees to have them do the booting. Just as he is about to receive his punishment, he moons the Australians with the words Don't tread on me written on his butt (the legibility of which surprises Lisa), then hums The Star Spangled Banner. The Simpson family leaves the outraged country in a helicopter in a scene similar to the Fall of Saigon.

    In a subplot, Bart brings his pet bullfrog past Customs into Australia where it reproduces and spreads rapidly throughout the country eventually ruining its ecology (a reference to actual events in Australia, see Cultural references below). As the family is being flown home they remark upon the destruction that can be caused by introducing a foreign species into a new environment and laugh at the Australians' misfortune ... as the camera pans out to reveal a koala hanging from one of the helicopter's struts.

  2. Bart makes a collect call to Australia that costs a whole bunch of money and won't apologize for it or pay the money. The American Embassy sends him to Australia to improve foreign relations.  

  3. Bart makes collect prank call to Australia. He asks the little boy who answers which way the water in his toilet flows and the little boy leaves Bart on hold for a really long time. Which makes a phone bill for $2,000.00 or somewhere around there. Anyway the Australian government demands that Bart come and apologize. Bart goes to Australia and they want to punish him by kicking him in the butt with a really big boot. Marge ends taking Bart and running to the American embassy because she doesn't like corporal punishment. Really funny you gotta see it.

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