
6th grader son?

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my son is not doing his homework.he stays home alone a awhile before i get to work;whilie his younger bros and sister go toa baby sister. how can i make him do his home work.he did alright in 2nd quatar doing his homework but not know what can i do




  1. tell him that if he doesnt start doing his homework thaen he will have to start going to the babsitters also.

  2. Call him from work and remind him to get his work done before you get home. If it is not done, start taking away the things he likes to do. My 9th grader pulled this and after not being allowed out for a week and a half until I got a good report from the teacher, it worked. It's hard, but you have to be consistent and firm. I know how hard it is to come home from work and then start dinner and run activities. He has to assume the responsibility of his homework. Good luck to you.

  3. babysiter with the rest of them. i dint never done my homework. id wish my mam woulda dun the same thing ta me, i recan

  4. Tell him that if he can't do his homework by himself he will have to go to the babysitter.

    Maybe leave a note or call him to remind him daily about the consequences of not doing homework.

    I'm sure he wont want to go to the babysitter.
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