
6yr. old and s*x?

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My son is 6 years old and keeps bringing up the word "s*x". We found out that he is getting it from school. We are not sure what to tell him at this age because we do not want him to know about it and think that its ok to say that word.




  1. My nephew was no older than this when he learned to say the "F" word- though he had no idea what it meant, as my sister and I quickly found out.  It's natural that a child his age is at least a little curious about what adults do- and he's probably hearing the word from his friends at school, who probably heard it used either at home, or by THEIR friends. At your son's age, it's really just a word- and the reason he keeps using it is because he knows he can upset you by doing it. If you ignore him when he uses the word, he eventually will get bored and quit doing it, because he will figure out that you aren't going to pay any attention to him or to it. Once the novelty factor goes away, he will stop using the word altogether. That's what my sister did with my nephew- and it didn't take very long to work, either.  

    Hope this helps !!

  2. My son, at 7 heard it from a friend. Didn't know what it meant. My 5 yr old daughter was there at the same time.  I explained it all too them. They were ready. They have been very responsible with the information.  Why don't you want him to know about it?

  3. well you can tech him a new word make it fun and funny come up with it.and tell him the words are the same. this one is more fun

  4. Just tell him that s*x means male or female, you won't be lying to him.

  5. And you react everytime he says s*x don't you. And that is exactly  what he is looking for.

    Just sit down with him, and explain that you don't think shouting s*x at every occasion is special, and that you would prefer that he didn't. But don't make a big deal of it ... the more you react, the more he know he is pushing your buttons.

    You could give him a very abbreviated birds and bees talk, but don't go into too much detail. He doesn't want it right now.

  6. You'd better sit down at Barnes and Noble with a s*x education book for children and pick up the hows and how not tos of filling in the facts for this little boy.  Don't push it under the rug as something dirty.  If you do that, what makes you think he will come to you with something really significant, like smoking crack?  This is a great opportunity for you to set yourself up as 'safe' and a place to go with the heavy stuff.

    Don't blow it.


  7. I think u should just tell him "I will tell u when ur older, but please don't say anything to any one about it."  They should know its a secret so he doesnt tell anyone else.

  8. tell him that this word is a word he should never use until he's 16.and if you don't little man,at sixteen we won't get you that car you been asking for.that should make him stop

  9. s*x: Either Male or Female. Leave it at that. It is both one hundred percent the truth and everything a six year old needs to know.

  10. Dont worry my child has picked it up from school at the same age she is now 7

    Just ask your son in a fun stupid way what he thinks it is,i bet its not going to be anything to bad

    Mine thinks its when you lye in bed without any clothes on

    Has he got to the rhymes bit yet

    Mine comes home with lots

    Mummy&daddy sitting on a log  k i s s i n g

    first comes love then comes babies in a carreage

    Dont tell you son to stop saying this its part of their fun at school,when mine comes out with some different word and poems we laugh

    Its nice to know they are having fun

  11. just tell ur son to stop or have a talk with the teachers

  12. If he has questions, then answer them, but don't volunteer more than he asks about.  Kids have built-in "filters" that keep them from absorbing anything they're not ready for anyway.

  13. My 5 year old daughter knows all about this word and what it is. Yet from school as well. I would just that little boys your age doesnt talk like that. It is not a nice word to use. It stopped mine.

    Boy the things that kids learn from school now a days

  14. ask him what he thinks it is and talk to the teacher and see where he got it

  15. Tell him the next time he says that, thats its not a nice word and next time you say that you'll be punished.

  16. Unfortunately, if you don't tell him what it is, he's still going to find out.  They know and understand a lot more than we think.

  17. Tell him that s*x means that he is a boy and girls are girls.  

    s*x isn't a bad word.  There are books that are age appropriate that would give him just the right amount of information.

  18. just tell him it is what married mommys and daddys do to make more babies. you can only do it if you are married and in the privacy of your own home. if you dont talk to him he will keep saying it because he doesnt understand and probably thinks its funny.
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