
7.3L Ford vs. Cummins?

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I am stuck between 7.3l ford and a cummins in about a 2003 pickup. I have heard that the cummins is cheaper, more reliable, and lasts longer than the Ford. How true is this? Fact based knowledge is appreciated.




  1. All I have to say is, "Why Be Strokin When You Could Be Cummin?"

  2. Well they are both dependable because international is in the ford and cummins in the dodge. Both engines have bigger makes in road tractors and I have to say from witnessing them both that they do great. Believe it or not, the Dodge is faster uphill, and the ford is faster on flat ground under load. They have both had tranny trouble, but more in the ford. The torque converter in the ford goes out a lot, but the dodge some, not as much. The fords are bad for rusting on the undercarriage, resulting in spring hangers getting weak, and frame too. Besides, the ford is downgrading to a much smaller diesel of its own, no longer being available with the 7.3. International is not supplying ford anymore, so I have heard. Dodge on the other hand will continue to have the cummins. My dad worked on rigs all of his life and loved it. His experience with both engines was that he favored the cummins a little more. A lot of power and less to maintain because of it being a 6 cylinder to my knowledge. I am no expert, and I am not criticizing either vehicle, but witnessing says a lot. Good luck in your decision and I wish you the best, P.S if you still cant decide, check out the duramax in the chevy. Awesome truck as well. I like toyota vehicles, and if you check and you dont haul more that ten thousand pounds, the five . seven tundra is overall a great truck as well. My brother has one and he loves it. Just do research on all, but man my best bet to you is the Dodge. I hear less about them, but that tundra will do what it says, and in 2010, they are suppsoed to be available with a caterpillar engine, that is why toyota put a ten and a half inch ring gear, 4:30 gear in it. Good luck.....

  3. What you have heard is true.  The Cummins is more reliable.  If opperating costs are of any concern, take into consideration the cost of diesel fuel compared to gasoline.  Do the math before you decide.

  4. For what its worth, the Duramax is made by Duramax Ltd in Morraine, Ohio.  It was designed by Isuzu, but it's a GM product.

    The Cummins is good, but it is not without issues, either.  Not just the truck it goes in, mind you.

    I guess the perfect combo would be an F650/750 with the Cummins.  Yes, that combo does exist.

  5. Cummins is the better engine.  Duramax in Chevy is also good; I believe its made by Isuzu.
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