
7.5 mercury outboard will not start?

by  |  earlier

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7.5 mercury will not start everytime. sprayed starter fluid in carb and sometimes it starts and other times it does not. any recommendations on what other methods i can try and what gap does the spark plug have to have?




  1. i dunno will it? need more details than that.

  2. 1 - you need fresh gas

    2- you need  compression add a drop of oil in spark plug hole then turn flywheel to lub

    3- you need spark ,ck  mageto ,,a spark that produces 1/4 inch  jump .then  it should start,

    providing your engine is not seized where you cannot  turn  flywheel

  3. lots of scenarios for this: Bad/blocked fuel, Low compression, gunked up carb jets, bad plug, bad magneto/coil, bad spark plug wires, primer/choke bad (not working, broken).

    1. check plugs/spark

    2. check wires, plug/gap/spark

    3. check compression

    4. check to see that it is priming correctly/choke is operational

    5. change fuel line filters

    6 rebuild carb/replace fuel lines

  4. DONT KNOW ABOUT THE FIRE ,but if ya re due the carb and then put a little motorkote in the oil it'el run like a champ!

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