
7 Things You Hate About The Jonas Brothers?

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  1. i LOVE  them so i aint got nothin to hate

    well actually ther is one thing....its cause one of them was going out with a s**t! ugh! i hate miley! but i LOVE nick!

  2. uh....i love the jonas brothers to DEATH,

    I don't see why you would hate them.

    If you really do hate them this much (which in my opinion is idiotic and immature), why do you take time out of your "oh so precious" lives and write about them. was there nothing better for you to look up? seriously, go hate on someone who did something wrong to you. don't take your anger out on someone who is so perfectly awesome its scary. Go hate on someone like miley/hannah montana. Yeah u can call me another freakin jonas obsessed fan, but w/e i dnt care....

    nobody's hating on ur fav leave us alone....look up like recipies or something.....gosh...people these days.

    hope this helped somebody see the truth....

    if not, then too bad...i feel better =]

  3. The 7 things I hate about Jonas FANS and haters:


    -Can't spell for their lives




    -Post dumb questions (( like this one ))



    You can't hate someone you don't know.

  4. They can't sing.

    They can't play any instrument.

    They have no fashion sense(and dress like girls.)

    They have no talent.

    Their fan's.

    They're Disney

    They're lame.

  5. Is this like how Miley Cyrus said she hated and liked 7 things about Nick Jonas???

    Oh well... but the other people wrote down all the seven things so I'll say all the 7 things I like...

    "Their hair, Their eyes, their old Levis, when they sing I'm hypnotized, they make me laugh, they make me cry, I don't know which side to buy, their hands in mine, when we're intertwined, everything is alright."

  6. The Jonas Brothers are Disney's b i   t c   h e s.

    Who use their looks for fame,

    rather than their voices.

    Some how female fans range from age 9 - 21,

    who idolize them and obsess over them for their "hot" looks.

    They're also horny, dumb,

    idiotic fan girls who know nothing about music.

    Apparently, if they were fat,

    and ugly, they would not have all this popularity,

    nor would they be successful.

    They have no good lyrics,

    or messages behind their music either.

    Thank God for those good looks though right?

    Because they'd be nothing without it.

    The fan girls most common phrase is "ZOMG ur juss jealouzz!!!"

    Why? Because we speak the truth?

    OR we don't have tight pants that

    ruined it for the people who actually LOOK GOOD in them?

    Thanks Jonas Brothers,

    you furthered ruined the future of music.

  7. Nothing.

  8. 1.they're a disney band

    2.their lyrics and music suck

    3.they're posers

    4. they're a disney band!

    i cant think of anything else but they really do suck

  9. 1 - ruining the music industry

    2 - pants are too tight

    3 - kevin looks like the lovechild of a monkey and an ape

    4 - they have very whiny voices

    5 - all their fans are teenyboppers

    6 - their music is generic pop

    7 - nick jonas dated miley cyrus

  10. First I have to THANK YOU from the bottom of my soul!  I am so sick and tired of all these little disney stepford kids coming on hear and all they want to post about is Hanna this and Jonas That.  GOD I AM SICK OF IT ALL!

    They all are no talent wana be hacks who wouldn't know a note if you tattooed it on their face.

    They are wastes of space that can't carry a tune if you put it in a case and tied it around their neck

    Um they are not that cute.  Really girls have you looked at them?

    They are nothing but a formulaic piece of dreck that disney is trying to mass market for monetary gain

    They just plain suck!


    haha! this song! watch it!

  12. creative.

    thanks for the 2 points :)

  13. I actually like them, but I don't like...

    -their skinny jeans

    -nick dating miley

    -annoying fan girls

    -haters who spend more time flaming fans then having a life

  14. 1.Nick dated sluttty Miley cyrus.

    2.kevin should sing more cause hes good

    3.i get mad when i cant decide which one of their songs is best

    4.they didnt make another music video for another one of their songs on the little bit longer album

    5.that they didnt come to tour near me

    6.that theyre tickets are expensive :(

    7.that i love them so much ...

    as u can see im in love with them !!!!!

  15. wow this is new........................................  

  16. Wow You Have Nothing Else To Do Than Sit Here And Talk About People You Dont Like? How Pathetic, And Anways Your The One Thats Probably OBSESSED With Them. Stopp Dissin'

  17. 1 Annoying

    2 g*y

    3 Their Music Sucks

    4 The have annoying fangirls

    5 They like having orgys with Micheal Jackson

    6 They rape other guys for satisfaction

    7 and They SUCK in general.


    I'm sure you could find 7 things there.


  20. 1.they are EVERYWHERE!!!

    2.Fans go wild over them

    3.There music sounds like it is from Kidz Bop

    4.They seem g*y (they only date girls to cover it up)

    5.they were girly shirts sometimes

    6.They are getting their own Disney Channel tv show called J.O.N.A.S

    7.What dont you hate???

  21.                           ABSOFRIGGENLUTELY NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. 1. Nick

    2. Kevin

    3. Joe

    4. All the cultists who think they're being cute by completely typing out their first, middle, and last names while posting yet another annoying diatribe.

    5. Their butchering of classic pop & rock songs which mercilessly murder the original.

    6. Constantly seeing their image posted everywhere whether I want to see it or not.

    7. They just won't take no for an answer when they ask me if they can move in!

    Did I spell this well enough?

  23. 1. Their fans.

    2. They suck.

    3. They suck.

    4. They s-u-u-uck...

    5. They suck.

    6. They suck.

    7. They're not the Joker.

  24. 1. kevin

    2. joe

    3. white skinny jeans

    4. nicks voice

    5. not nicks hotness

    6. that nick dated miley cyrus

    7. kevin


    nothing I love/ADORE them boys.

    why would you ever hate them?

    if you do its because your stupid jealous or your just weird

    they are nice and havent done anything wrong

    you dont like their music thats fine but there is NO reason to hate them

    stupid people

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