
7 day Diet....?

by  |  earlier

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ok so I am vegan 1st off and am about 5'2 and 123lbs I want to loss a little weight ( about 5 to 8 lbs) in the next 7 days for a vacation I'm going on next Friday, Can some one tell me the best way to do that please?... I eat healthy already but cant give up the carbs or salt I don't really eat sweets...some one please help...... I am totally willing to give these things up for 7 days and then after slow down on them.....




  1. first off you need to change your mental outlook. Even if you DO loose weight in 7 days; you're gonna gain it ALL back plus more.

    You cant just change your diet for 1 week & then expect to keep your weight down. Make a CHOICE to start eating right forever!

    Drink lots of water. Low-sodium foods. Salt holds fat & can also give you high blood pressure. Its up to you hun.....

    Also eat lots of green veggies & boiled egg whites. (NO YOLK)

    Eat nuts & fruits. Dont forget to excersise 30min-60min daily

  2. You gotta cut out the salt, not all but lower considerably as salt retains water which makes you look bigger.

    Then do some moderate intensity exccercise like fast jogging to eliminate the salt quicker through sweat and what not. Drink lots of water.

    Eat a ton of fruit for internal cleansing and radiant skin.

    ...And by then you should be looking pretty s**y =] hope I helped.

  3. Ya gotta give up salf for the next few days.  It is only 7 days, you can do it.  If you lower your salt you should drop about 5lbs in water weight alone and that will make a visual difference, especially in your mid section, thighs and buttocks.

    Good luck.

  4. Do a 7 day lemon and water fast.


    This diet is called the GM diet and there are 2 days that say you should eat meat, but I'm sure you dont' have to... My stepmom did this for a few weeks and lost like 20 lbs (too much in my opinion but oh well)  I did it for a week and I DID lose weight, but I dont' like losing like this as it's not how I would regularly eat, you know? but it is a quick weight loss technique and you can eat as much as you want, it's just a matter of what you can and can't eat on which day.
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