
7 hour car ride with GRANDPARENTS?

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How do I entertain myself?

I usually bring magazines, books, and my ipod but... omg.. 7 hours!

save me? :(




  1. You act like their evil or something. Sheesh! I usually get car sick if I read in the car. Get a dvd player for the car, or play hangman or tic-tac-toe on paper. Bring a crossword puzzle book or coloring book. Talk to your friends on the phone, bring cards and play card games with your grandparents. Theres a lot of things you can do, I'm sure you can think of atleast five.

  2. I wish i still had grandparents around so you're lucky! take the time to get to know them better. Talk about how life was when they were growing up, ask how they met, talk about old times and just cherish the moments you have left with the most important people in your life

    Family! :)

  3. one day you will miss them so much and wish you had another 7 hours to hear about them and learn what they like and what they liked when they were your age....

    I sure hope you change your tune soon before it's too late

    now go and enjoy being with the ppl that started the creation of your very existence!

  4. Talk to your grandparents... Learn from them... Ask them about their lives... the things they have been through.  I am sure you will find out some very intersting things... Try it

  5. do you have a dvd player

  6. Well ask them about their childhood...sureley you have SOME interest in other people.

  7. How old are your grandparents? I am 50 and a 7 hour car ride can get me tried out. It might be a good idea come the 5 or 6th hour of driving to force your grandparents to talk to keep alert.

    Get a KLUTZ book on crocheting or knitting. They are wonderful books to learn from and you'd be teaching yourself a new talent.

    Man the map. Have a map of your route. Even if they already have driven the route 100 times. It will do you some good to learn how to read a map (when do you get to drive?) And it will cause some interaction with them. You all can look for road signs. Calculate time and distant left. Where to pull over and eat. Learn about road signs, mile markers, figure out which direction you are driving in. buy a cheap compass.

  8. I take great offense at this!  I am a grandmother.  If you don't want to be with them, don't go.  Otherwise, take your books and ignore them the entire time you are in the car.  Don't ask to stop and pee, eat, or anything else so they don't have to know how you really feel about them.

  9. Ugh, 7 hours in the car with anyone is sooo boring. I had to go on a 9 hour trip with my cousin, (whom I love dearly ofcourse), oh but so many hours drove us crazy!

    this is mostly what we did though:

    Sleep, that makes time go by quicker.

    Bring a diary and write, or draw, lists/summer plans...

    we ate lots of snacks

  10. Look in bookstores for "Mad Lib" books.  It's like a story with blanks that you fill in with verbs, adjectives and nouns. Then have everyone help fill in the blanks and then read the stories back outloud and it is pretty funny most of the time.  I used to do that when I was kid and had to take road trips with my family.  Also crossword puzzles can be fun to fill in together.  If you know anyone with a laptop with a DVD player you can borrow it and take along some movies or seasons of a show you like.  My family and I also play a game where you start at the beginning of the alphabet and name animals or other things starting with the letters A-Z.  You could always take a nap too.  That always makes time fly.  Good luck.

  11. ill take you there with my bugatti

    it would take 3 hour then

    and for 1 hour we can do something

  12. You say/write Grandparents like they are some evil monsters! It could be really friggen cool! Ask them about their lives, play licence plate games, etc...7 hours is a long ride but use your mind and heck you might even learn something! Remember as grandparents--they aren't going to be here forever--make this time w/ them count!

  13. Talk to them. Ask questions. Get to KNOW them. Learn your family's history.

    They are an irreplaceable source of information. Don't waste the time.

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