
7 months old baby eat paper?

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I left my baby with my husband to take care for a while, and he gave her to play with the paper. And not long, the baby already ate the bits of the paper. and we didn't get a chance to get it out as she already swallowed it. What should I do in here? Is that ok? Could something happens? Can she have problem later in life if the paper didn't come out thru the p**p?





  1. My baby has always loved paper=) And tissues! I'm sure it will be fine! Sometimes theyre too quick and get it in their mouths before you can get it... your baby will eat lots of things it probably shouldn't but I'm sure it will be ok=)

  2. she'll be fine.  My baby is 4 mths and he plays with napkins at the restaurant.  He's swollowed his fair share of paper and he is fine.  As long as she didnt eat the whole sheet!

  3. I don't think you need to worry. My major concern would be that she can choke on it or can get it stuck in the top part of her mouth (I have often had to put my fingers in my baby's mouth to get it out).  But if she has already swallowed it she should be ok.

    My 11 month old baby has also eaten paper/cardboard several times. Unfortunately she likes to chew or her books and cards and whatever she gets a hold of.  Sometimes it is impossible to catch her doing such things. Just keep an eye out.  She should be fine.

  4. I had a cousin who use to eat toilet paper and tissues.  It would make my other cousins sick.  I hear it could be a mineral defiency and perhaps you need to make sure your baby is getting all the vitamins and minerals needed.

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