
7 months pregnant, dreading it?

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i've had a really tough year, and to top it all i became pregnant. i'm a young mum, in my early twenties. i divorced my husband after he slept with my sister, belive it or not, he is the father to my twin babies and my unborn child. i'm finding it really difficult to cope, i'm only young, and i'm single. at the moment all i want to do is let my hair down, im dreading having another young baby, but then i feel so guilty for saying it. i just want some adult time without my kids for a night! is it wrong to feel this way?




  1. It is so normal to feel like this. I'm always feeling guilty because I want just one night to myself without the kids but I know that in order to be a good mommy I have to take care of myself too including my mental needs. You have had a hard time, see if your parents will watch the twins or even a friend can watch them and go do something for yourself. Because you are pregnant you are going to feel more over whelmed and stressed out but you need to try to relax your mind because you being over stressed can lead to pregnancy problems. Also you might want to consider going on an anti depressant temporarily after the baby is born so that you do not have a really bad spell of depression after the birth. Talk it over with you Dr. and see what they think about that. Good luck, I hope everything works out for you.  

  2. Don't feel guilty at all. Have someone babysit your twins for a night and go out and have fun with some friends before your new baby is born. :)

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