
7 week old baby scalp!?

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My baby is 7 weeks old and was born with a head full of hair and now his head is peeling/flaking. Is there anything I can do to remove it? His hair is dark brown so you can see flakes in it. Right now I use johnson and johnson baby shampoo, the orange/goldish stuff. Should I use head and shoulders dandruff shampoo? Thank you everyone!




  1. i dunno

    ask someone experienced with babies.

    check on the internet instead of asking yahoo answers cause most people on yahoo are like 13 and wont know nothing about babies.

  2. NO do NOT use head and shoulders.  This is not really dandruff, it is skin that is peeling off from being in your uterus for 9 months!  Totally normal!!  It will stop soon, just keep washing the hair, with a gentle rub on the scalp.

  3. My baby sister has it and my mom uses dandruff shampoo for her head and it worked!

    wen she was put down for nap time she used to scrap it not hard but gentle. and now its like completely gone!

  4. When my son had cradle cap, what I did was:

    When I gave him a bath, I would wash his hair with soap and water, and while it was still wet I would take those little baby brushes with the soft bristles and brush and rub his scalp with it.  

    After just re-rinse and in a week or so it should be gone.  It is totally normal for babies to get and you actually do not have to do anything for it.  But some things do speed up the process.

  5. do not use dandruff shampoo on an infant.  chemicals in stuff like that go through the skin and into the blood system.  it could be poisonous to an infant.  use baby oil and rub gently.  it's normal.

  6. try baby oil, its sounds like he has cradle cap, what you do is you rub the oil on his scalp and that will soften it then you can pick or peel it off or use a baby brush

  7. you can use head and shoulders shampoo! it work trust me!

  8. baby oil that's what i used on my son he's 7 months now and was the same way.

  9. its cradle cap.

    A wash rag and a lil bit of baby oil will get it off.  

  10. You can use baby oil or mineral oil on his head and a soft baby hairbrush to gently get the flakes out.  For us, switching to Johnson's and Johnson's Moisturizing baby shampoo helped.  We didn't need to use baby oil.  Also, using shampoo every 2 to 3 days as opposed to every day will help him not to get so dry.  Also, I wouldn't use the Head and Shoulders since it could hurt his eyes if you get it in them.

  11. We were just told to use Selson blue on our son .. but he is 5 months old .. Your baby may still be to young. Just ask your doc .. Next time you are in the CVS ask what you can use for cradle cap.

  12. it's probablly cradle cap, pretty much all babies have it, it's normal.

  13. I agree with another poster on the cradle cap.  First of all, stop using the Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo and DO NOT switch to Head and Shoulders.  These shampoos will only worsen the condition.  Try out some Burt's Bee's products that are specifically made for babies, or ask the pediatrician what to do, to see if they have any recommendations.  Cradle cap usually clears up on it's own within the first couple months or so, though.  It is completely normal.

  14. They used to call it "cradle cap".  It's just dry skin.

    Moisturize his little head with a baby product.  Don't do the oil thing!  OMG...we used to oil the baby up so much they would pop out of our  

  15. I remember that happening with my brothers when they were born.

    From what I heard, it's absolutely normal

  16. no. use a drop of baby oil that help

  17. Sound like your baby has Cradle Cap. It's nothing to be worried about. It's common. Some home remedies include herbal washes (e.g burdock or chamomile), aloe gel, and tea tree oil shampoo. Tea tree oil and aloe can be sensitizers; any worsening should be an occasion to discontinue the remedy in question.

    It it gets worse call your doctor.

  18. My son's pediatrician suggested Head and Shoulder's dandruff shampoo when he had cradle cap. The doctor has been in practice for over 30 years, so trust me, it's safe to use for a baby's cradle cap.

  19. every baby is like that

    you have nothing to worry about.

    dont touch or peel it simply ignore it

    there are SPECIAL shampoos for



    The condition your little boy has is called cradle cap... it is very very common, it clears up by itself... just make sure you rinse his hair properly and that there is no shampoo left on his head at all... try rather using a hair and body wash like Johnsons' Baby Naturals.

    His scalp is FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR too sensitive for dandruff shampoo.  

  21. I put olive oil on it to soften it over night and then I put a pea size of head and shoulders on it to wash it in the morning.  This worked a treat.  Please please though don't pick at it as you could damage his scalp.  Use a soft baby brush.

  22. No dont use ne thing else on ur baby. If it really bad talk to ur Dr. u should only use na type of soap/ shampoo once a week on a baby that young

  23. Don't use head and shoulders! lol Try getting the milder sensitive baby soap for him. Not necessarily Johnsons. You could try Aveeno or and organic brand. It's probably cradles cap. I'm not sure why they get it but don't worry. When he goes to the doctors next just ask. Good Luck!

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