
7 week old with blocked tear duct.?

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My 7 week old girl has a blocked tear duct. Goop in the corner of her eye, tears when not crying, and this morning she had a bunch of crusty's all across her lid.

I've done some reading and read that putting breastmilk in the eye can help. How often would I do that? Should I massage first and then put the breastmilk in? How often should I massage?

Any been there, done that mom advice (or dad advice) would be most welcome!

Also, does it require a doctor visit, or only if it gets red and inflamed??





  1. dont put breastmilk in her eye! my 6 week old has this and has had it since i brought him home from the hospital, the doctor just told me to take a warm wet washcloth and message the tear duct. and that there wasnt much else you can do for it and it will go away on its own. i sure hope it goes away soon, my poor baby. good luck to you

  2. All of my kids had that problem when they were babies. No fun at all. Breast milk does help! I only did it when it was crusted up. What also helps is a warm, clean washcloth to clean the crusties off. Also, my doctor recommended this and it worked wonders! About 3 or 4 times a day, take your fingertip and gently massage the corner of the eye in a circular motion for about 30 seconds each time. Over the period of a week or so, it should unclog. If it doesn't then the doctor will have to do it for you.  But, I never had to do that with my kids....the massaging worked every time...and they had it BAD! GL!

  3. My son also had this is one of his midwife told me it was normal for some newborns to get this and that it will go away on its own...His slowly went away, I noticed less and less goop..Although some mornings were a lil worse it did get better...So I would think your daughters will also go away on its own...If it doesnt seem to get better mabey bring her in for a quick visi to the dotors or you can wait till her 2 month appt....Hope she gets better!!!

  4. try vasalene

    yes call your doctor and get a visit

  5. My first born had a clogged duct and I did the breast milk thing.

    You'll want to hold a warm cloth on her eye for a bit first... she won't like it much so don't try to force it on her and stress her out. Just try to hold it there long enough to loosen up the crusties.

    Express some milk and apply it 2 or 3 times a day (just a couple drops with an eye dropper or syringe work best), wiping with a warm cloth before hand each time.

    It should clear up in a couple days. Only took 2 days total for my daughter.

    Breast milk also helps with cradle cap (loosens up the crusted, oily skin quite nicely)

  6. My son had this same problem at 7 weeks old. I never heard of putting breast milk in his eye! I wouldn't recommend that!! I took my son to the doctor and he was given an ointment that I had to rub in his eye a few times daily. The ped also recommend that I rub/massage his eye from the nose to the ear direction a few times daily. After only a few days of this treatment my baby was cured!

    How can you get thumbs down when your only telling what happened to yourself and what cured your baby..!?!?! Some of you people are retarded

  7. Why would vaseline help? More goop?

    Breastmilk helps, I did a little bit at every feeding.

    Mine has had it since two weeks, she is now five months and it's a ton better but still there. My pediatrician told us he won't do anything about it until 7 or 9 months, I don't remember exactly, because before then it's just an immature tear duct that will develop later on.

    I thought they'd give me an antibiotic, but they didn't. They also told me to clean it up with a wet cotton ball, or something sterile.

  8. My baby is 9 weeks old and she has had this since she was born. The pediatrician said she only needs to be checked out if it becomes red and inflamed. She said it's usually better by 6 months, if not they usually send you to an opthamologist  to check it out. Massage it gently a few times a day with CLEAN fingers. My babies was really bad (her eye was stuck shut every morning) but it's getting better slowly.

  9. breastmilk s wonderful for eye infections and blocked tear ducts.  Just use a couple of drops 3 times a day and it will clear up in no time.

  10. I'm not sure why people are freaking out about putting breast milk in her eye! Breast milk has antibodies and is really good for eye infections. My son had clogged ducts also. I used breast milk when they were crusty and also a warm wash cloth to wipe them. They eventually stopped gooping up and getting crusty. Just make sure to be gentle with her eyes and keep them clean. It'll clear up!

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