
7 week old wont sleep?

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every parent i know has had their baby sleep through the night from 6-7 weeks,i dont see that at all happenening with my son!!!he is waking every 2-2.5 hours,and i dont get up to feed him,but i stay in bed with the lights out and breastfeed him and he still stays awake for nearly 2 hours even if i dnt speak to him or give him any eye contact.what can i do!!! so jealous of the mums that even get one night of sleep through the week!lol!!! please help,is there some kind of routine?also when he does wake about 3 and stays up til 530,he usually has ALOT of wind and is winging very loudly,i do give him infacol for the wind about every 2 or 3 feed




  1. The circadian rythym (distinguishing day and night) does not develop fully in babies until they are at least 12 weeks old and for some babies about 16 weeks.  Your little one is still a newborn and needs his mummy to reassure him that he is safe, he will work it out.  The windy stuff sorts itself out at about the same age too - and until then some babies are really quite upset with wind almost constantly.  You can try remedies which claim to help, and for the most part you baby may get some relief, but it really does just stop by itself once he gets used to digesting milk.  Sometimes different positions help the wind, and bicycling his legs can help.  If you're really concerned have a doctor examine him to eliminate allergies or infection.

    You must sleep when your baby does and do not put so much pressure on yourself and your baby to be like everyone else.  You are both individuals getting to know eachother.

    My baby also had a major "play up" at the same age, and I remember getting on the internet late at night in tears looking for some support.  Mostly I found out they have a huge growth spurt and need lots of feed very frequently, even at night.  Cancel everything else and be with your baby while he needs you.  All too soon he will be much bigger and not be so dependant, you will get some quality sleep at night.  My baby started sleeping through at about 9 weeks (almost once the upset period ended) and she was wonderful up until recently and now she still sometimes wakes once a night for a feed - she's now 5 months old.  It's easier now because she knows it's night and goes straight back to sleep!

    You are doing the right thing by feeding differently at night, dark and in a different place - it will help your baby learn night and day.  Good luck with your son, raising him will be by far the hardest but most rewarding thing you do.  Please try to enjoy the little moments that melt your heart and rest when you can.

  2. Don't worry yourself, not all baby's sleep through the night at 6-8 weeks. All babies are different. I do think you should put him back in his crib when you get done feeding him though...and try to start spacing out his feedings. Be patient sleep WILL

  3. Hey make sure you check with your Dr. on this but....

    First and foremost...right now sleep anytime you can get it ...if the babys sleeping you sleep ( especially since it doesn't sound like you have much sleep)

    Mylecon is a gas medicine that was very helpful with my middle daughter, you can give it in the morning when the baby is fussy mabee that will help.....

    Really watch how much caffiene your taking in the afternoon.....remember if you are drinking coffee to keep you up during the day the baby is getting that coffee that night.....( visious cycle i

    Last resort...and again check with your Benadryl....My pedi suggested this when my oldest daughter was little ( 14 yrs ago) but I have used this occasionally for my other two kids....I know its controversial and make sure you talk to your Pedi before giving your baby this

    You may need to start putting the baby in her own bed....He knows you now and even though you may keep the room quiet, and unstimulated...He knows he has your full attention.....

    Congrats on breastfeeding....and keep up the good work mommy!!!!!   This stage will pass soon........

    I hope these help a little.....

  4. Frist make shore he is well some babys will not sleep throw till there 1 year old if thay are b/feed "sorry" but dont stop it would be harder with a bottle . Make shore that he has a realy good feed not a snack if he fulls asleep when feeding that is bad cos babys awake after a cycle and them go back to sleep if you feed him he needs you to go to sleep only put him to sleep with his eyes open not feeding. get your partner to go as he does no smell of milk. if he wakes dont pick him up just pats and yes no talking and no lights he is having a groth around now so he will feed more. good luck

  5. Breast feed babies do not sleep thru the night like bottle feed babies. My daughter was 8 months old the first time she slept all night. She nursed several times a night prior to that and someimes after. If the baby has gas its something you are eating more than likely. Good luck.
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