
7 weeks pragent and cramping plus peeing white stuff need help?

by  |  earlier

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hi 7 about 8 weeks preg i been haven some cramps like im about to start my thing! and my tummy gets upset last year i had a misscarrige and only made it 4 weeks and didnt cramp just bleed! well now im cramping and i had some white powder stuff come out while i was peeing what is that from? could it been that im losen the baby? cramps aint bad at all!!




  1. Im sorry I cant really help you..but i sure hope everything is fine.

  2. period like cramping is normal during early pregnancy and its just your uterus streching to make room for your baby...if you see spotting of any kind then you should contact your doctor as you have a history of miscarriage...if the cramps are not bad and only last a few minutes then that ok...

    i have cramps on and off and i would describe them as dull and my doctor said its normal. the white stuff could be just discharge that can increase during pregnancy. try not to worry but speak to your doctor. once you dont see bleeding you are ok but ask for doctors advice if you continue to worry. good luck and congrats!

  3. the bleeding could be a sign of miss carrage but the white stuff is probably dis charge and that is normal go to the doctor and ask about the bleeding though. cramos are normal for some women

  4. Call your doctors after hours line. He may send you to the hospital. Good luck.

  5. GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!!!!!


  6. Honey..not to judge but "getting your thing"? ZYou sound too young to be pergnant. a mother of four I can tell you that pre-natal care is VERY important and you should be seeing a Doctor.  Discharge and cramping sound like you may have an STD my dear...Good luck and get to a clinic.

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