
7 weeks pregnant....?

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im 7 weeks pregnant, and have been having a few mild cramps today, plus a small amount of brown discharge. I think that if i wasnt pregnant, i would be due on my period in the next couple of days-is this why i have had the cramps and discharge? before i got pregnant, i used to get brown a few days before i got my period, but now im pregnant, im worried it may be a bad sign?? please help!




  1. Many women experience period like discharge throughout their pregnancy and can be very normal. I would get it checked out by your physician though so that you can put your mind at ease.

    At the end of May, I was 8 weeks preganant, when I had a little pink blood, followed by brown discharge that was mainly clots (sorry if TMI!) A few days later i got a dull ache that got worse over the day until I felt dizzy and sick. I also had an uoset stomach. Sadly for me this was an ectopic pregnancy. If the cramping continues and increases, moves across your abdomen or you experience shoulder tip pain, go to the ER straight away.

    I pray that your pregnancy goes well

  2. You're fine! Unless you are in extreme pain, you have nothing to worry about. Brown blood is old blood, could be from your cervix stretching. Most women will spot in the first trimester of pregnancy.

    Like I said unless you are in extreme pain, you are perfectly normal and have nothing to be concerned about!

  3. I think the best thing to do is to call your doctor. I am only 18 and I have never been pregnant before, so I don't know much about this, but I would have called my doctor to get it checked. I know a little bleeding and cramping is normal after you concieve, but that is called implantation bleeding and I think that only happens a few days after s*x. Call your doctor and you will know for sure, best of luck :)

  4. I don't think its anything to worry about unless the brown becomes red. At your next dr. appt bring this up. I always think its a good ideal to tell the dr everything.

  5. You are fine i have experience exactly the same problem, its old blood apparently.

    I'm not much further along then you 9 weeks and three days and i had that for about a week. In the end i phoned HS helpline and they were reassuring!!!

    Its old blood shedding

    As for the cramps its just your womb expanding.

  6. Congratulations!

    Brown discharge is not bad. Cramps aren't also. Since you would usually get your period around this time, you may still experience some menstrual symptoms throughout your pregnancy.

    However, I'm not a doctor and all women are different. Rest today and call your doctor just to get further reassurance.

    I'm trying to conceive and have done my research!

  7. I agree with pleasantly pregnant, but if you worried speak to a medical professional, congratulations and enjoy the experience

  8. brown blood is old blood, which is a good thing. You don't want to see bright and red or alot. I had this with both pregnancies. Mild cramping is also normal. If it gets worse call your Dr. but you should be ok if things stay the same or best case stop.  

  9. You are fine! As long as you dont get extreme pain or bright red blood! Brown blood is old blood so that is ok. Your cramping is probably from your uterus stretching for baby!

    Good luck & congrats!
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