
7 year old boy's behavior?

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i'm not sure how to handle this issue - i have a 7 year old who had alot of friends - great kid. He's not big for his age - average to a tiny bit taller but very strong and tough (doesnt react when pushed over, tackled etc). He and his friends always play a tag game where the other kids honestly kick up the wood chips (my son doesnt ever), they karate kick alot (all in fun, but they often get my son), and they all wrestle. The problem is that my son occasionally will tag the boys and they will fall down and cry. my son looks like he's gone overboard or something when honestly, he is barely using any of his strength.

Personally, i hate how the boys play - buy they are boys - but i hate it because he seems like the only one who can handle it - he plays football with middle schoolers -doesnt effect him at all. he isnt a mean kid at all - he looks stunned sometimes that they would even cry - how should i handle it? i dont want him to come across as mean




  1. Boys cry usually until their around 10 and your son is doing no harm to any of his friends trust me same thing happened to my when i was his age

  2. at 6 boys still cry a lot. You are lucky your son doesn't. If it is happening at school then talk to the teachers about it. It is possible they do not know it is happening. If they are all doing it then they should expect to be hurt. Doesn't sound like your son is doing anything wrong, it is just that the boys are not as tough (not meant in a mean way, meaning not crying) as him yet. They have to learn if they want to give it thay have to take it

  3. a tag is just a touch. it isn't a push. if it too rough or it is too much of a problem initiate a game of "flag football" they have to grab the flag or rag or hankie off of the other kid's waist band.

    also, in all my years of watching kids, i've noticed that lots of 7 year olds don't handle "losing" well. they are really new to competitive play and they just aren't mature enough, it takes some time! that may be where some of the tears are coming from...

  4. ignore the behavior.  he needs to find his own way to deal with his playmates.  when he's away from the other kids, ask him why he cries.

  5. Boys are boys.  They are rough.  Just tell your son not to be so rough.  He should know what that means.  When he makes a kid cry and you see it, tell him that was too rough.  He will get a feel for it then how rough he is being.

  6. Boys do play rough and yes boys do cry when hurt or even just their feelings are.

    I teach 5th. grade ( average student age is 10 years )

    Don't be at all concerned. You could suggest he be a little more gentle when playing. If he is not loosing his friends and they return and play there is not any concern.

    Children soon cast off friends they do not like. Often as parents we don't look at this.

  7. I would just talk to him about it and have him ntag them softer. Also he should talk to them and see why they cry because maybe it's something besides how hard he tags. I hope this helped.


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