
7 year old fear of spiders?

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My 7 year old nephew is afraid of spider, so scared he finds it hard to sleep at night. It is all my fault because I was looking at bird and camel spiders on youtube and now he is scared that they are hiding in places around his room. We live in Australia where most of the deadliest spiders live so I want to educate him about spiders but I don't want to scare him any more. What do I do?




  1. Sorry, I have zero advice! Although, I would suggest moving I hate spiders!!

  2. what ever you do, tell me about it! I'm have an irrational fear of spiders myself! I could never live in Australia I'd die of a heart attack!

  3. you could inform him that the spiders aren't just going to come and attack him. If anything they are going to keep your house free from mosquitos and other bugs. Spiders are good around the house, and they only harm you if you threaten them.

    Then take him to the zoo and let him get up close to the cage with them, and let him know they are peaceful little animals.

  4. Take him to a zoo and read up on spiders.

  5. show him a book about spiders whatever you do dont show him eight legged freaks-horror film about spiders etc

  6. The more information and photos you show him the less he will have to fear; it is always the not knowing that scares us. Once he can recognize the most dangerous spiders then he Will be in control and less prone to fear.

  7. my friend is afraid of spiders and shes 12. just teach him about spiders. the more he knows the less afraid he'll be.

  8. my son is 5 and he wont sleep is he sees a spider in the house no matter how small i have to catch it before we go to bed :) you can get a book on spiders and let him know that house spiders aren't dangerous well most aren't :)

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