
7 year old getting in trouble, but also being picked on by older kids - help??

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I'm at a loss - I have a 7 yr old who is smart and a very good kid (polite, doesn't throw fits, listens to me well), but at school he gets in trouble for not paying attention and hits sometimes (when provoked), he is being picked on by older kids at the after school program he goes to, they are 6th graders and call him a "freak" and a "f_ggot" - it disturbs me very much to know that another child is calling him that... does anyone have suggestions for how I can get him to 1) keep his hands to himself and pay attention at school, and 2) to get these bullies to stop picking on him at the program - I've talked to the director, they aren't able to do anything unless they actually hear it for themselves, which is BS, bcs I don't know anywhere else he could have heard such horrible things... I'm a single parent (his dad passed away before he was born), I would take him to a different program but I live in a small town and there aren't any . . any advice would be appreciated!!! Thanks!




  1. if school director don't do his job he should be fired. he does'nt need to hear this before he can do anything, all he needs to do is talk to children who are doing this and put stop to this. if it continues call parents, if it still cont. expell kids, this will get their atten.

  2. Doesn't sound like there is much supervision at the aftercare program and I'd have another talk with the director. It is her job to see that none of the children are abused be it verbally or physically. It is normal for kids who are being bullied to act out in other situations and I'll bet that is what is going on with his behaviour at school. It would be pretty hard to concentrate on school work while knowing you will be tormented later in the day.

    Find out from your son who is picking on him and bring the names to the director. I worked in a daycare and this was not tolerated. We spoke to parents of children who were bullying and if their behaviour did not change they were terminated and we would not accept them. Safety of all the children was top priority.

    I think it is a shame you are getting no help from the center. The last thing I can suggest is talking to the parents but really that should be up to the director. Good luck my heart goes out to your little guy.

  3. Do you know the kids who are picking on him and provoking him??? If so i think you should talk to their an older sister of 6 so i know what is like to raise a kid too i basically rasied my lil brother brian who is 10 years younger than me and he'll be 7 later this month and when kids provoke him i talk to the parents and try to settle things in a kind manner....thats the only advice i really have im sorry if its not a lot.... Good Luck Hunn

  4. Get him involved in karate. It gives kids GREAT self-discipline skills (and self-defense).

    Also, to diffuse other kids from saying things to him, he should respond with "I am a freak, aren't I! Cool! I'm a FREAK!"  It totally works, I've seen it happen. Once they see that they can't get a rise out of him, they'll stop pestering him.

  5. Can you put him in a private daycare, like someone's home? Do you know any stay-at-home moms or retired people that would take this on? I feel so bad about your situation.

  6. Do not let this continue . You go to the principle and you let him know what is going on . Tell him your son is bullied every day by these people and they only thing that is getting done is nothing ! The only time you hear of anything is when my son is hurting so bad inside he decides to hit someone and I hear of this . Tell them if this does not get taken care of you will report it to the school board . Tell them you are tired of having to worry about if your son is alright ! They need to have a NO BULLING RULE in this school ! Tell them you are done letting your son go through this and it will end or charges will be brought against this school and the bullies ! A child can only take so much and these adults can only see the hitting right ? , not the bulling , YEAH RIGHT !!! Good Luck !!! Don't let them ruin your sons life , he will never like school and drop out ! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!!!

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