
7 year old is having terrible dreams from watching Harry Potter - any advice please?

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She watched film at friends. She says three headed dog and Voltimore. I have never seen it so I just looked up images and no wonder.




  1. i dont let mine

  2. The rating is there for all to see - PG means Parental Guidance. IE: with parents to monitor the watchers. Just remind her its a story.

    And it's Voldermort.

  3. Hp is SO not scary (i watched it when I was 5, No prob) but if you do need advice, get a spray bottle, fill it up with water,add some sparkles, and call it "good dream spray" tell her it will keep the night mares away if she'll just not think about it and spray a little around her bed before she goes to sleep. it should work...

  4. dont let him watch it then just be tough i know it is hard when you have a child moaning "i wont to watch it" but just say no after all you are the one having to get up in middle of night to comfort him

  5. well harry potter is PG until the 4th movie. even the PG ones a 7 yr old could easily have gotten nightmares. i think that for now, no more harry potter, even though it is a great movie and book series.

    i think you should make sure you know what movies your kid is watching at their friends' houses.

    also on a parenting tv show i saw that a good way to console scared kids before bed is to get a spray bottle, fill it with water and be as creative as possible with it, making it look magical. tell her it's something you just bought called Dream Spray or something magical sounding. spray it all over her room, telling her it keeps away nightmares. if your kid is happy before they go to sleep, chances are they will have happy dreams too.

  6. I watched this film with my 5 year old.  At the scary bit I turned to him and said "its scary, isn't it!".  He said "don't be silly mum, its not real!"

    Just depends on the child.

    Maybe you need to watch the film with her so that you can talk through the scary bits as they happen or comment on the good acting or computer graphics.

  7. if im watching a film / programme like that with my children i make fun of the creatures etc when they come on, when they watch doctor who or primevil or even harry potter you have to poke fun at it and remind them its only computorised.

    if i were you id watch it with her during the day so she doesnt go straight to bed after and make fun at it.

    good luck

  8. i think that the friends mum should have checked out if its suitiable first and u should tell her there all make belive ok shell get over it sooner or later till then let her sleep with you

  9. I think it's important to explain to her that there are no three-headed dogs in real life; Harry Potter is a made-up story- like a fairy tale.  My younger cousin screamed when he saw Voldemort, so now we must refer to him (Voldemort) as a silly baldy or else Jake (my cousin) gets scared.   If nothing works every time she talks about Harry Potter bring up when Harry plays quidditch (basically soccer on brooms), and how cool it would be to be able to fly.  That usually works as a distraction.

    Best of Luck!


  10. tell her that none if it is real. tell her that Voldemort is only something someone made up. tell her that three headed dogs arent real. to make her feel better, make a dream catcher. just get a small wooden wreath and take some string. wrap the string inside so it looks like a star. take some more string and tie it with feathers so it hangs off the wreath and the bottom. hang it above her bed and tell her as long as she has her dream catcher, the bad dreams will get caught into the string and never hurt her again. or take a spray bottle and decorate it with flowers and stuff and tell her its dream spray. spray it in her room and tell her it keeps the bad dreams away. OR you could do what Welche's grapejuice does x] have her drink some grape juice before she goes to bed and tell her the antioxidants will protect her!

  11. Explain to her that it is just a movie, they are not real.

    When pop in a nice fun movie she likes and watch that with her to help replace the images.

  12. Tell her friends' parents that she has nightmares, and not to show her the film again!!!

  13. I do sympathise.  My son (7 also) gets very stressed at certain films - and you never know in advance what particular thing will set him off... he had bad dreams after watching Chicken Little but watched the Raiders of the Lost Ark trilogy without any problem at all.

    I find that telling him that it is a made-up story usually helps... although I would personally be fairly hacked off if he had watched something like that at a friend's.

  14. i'm 21 and even i'm scared of voldermort!!!!

    try and get her to focus on the good parts of the film, like harry, hermione, ron and hagrid, as supposed to the evil characters.

    explain that everything is ok because harry potter stopped the nasty voldermort from hurting anyone

    turn the negative thoughts about these characters into positive ones, i guess thats hard with voldermort, but just explain he cant hurt anyone because harry potter is there to stop him

    also, the 3 headed dog  you could probably turn into a positivie, by saying he was under a spell but is actually a nice dog.After all, he is called fluffy, and his purpose is to protect the 'philosophers stone'

    it's so easy for children of that age to be caught up in the fantasy in films like these, so reassure her that harry potter is protecting her and everyone from the bad guys.

    there's not alot else you can do really, maybe even try to put a picture up of harry potter in her room and say he will be watching over her at bedtime to make sure noone can hurt her.

    this film in particular is rated pg, but i'd give it a 12 for sure!!

    hope this helps and your daughter sleeps better soon!

  15. Harry Potter is for kids 10 and older and I think this is still to early for some of them.

    Well, that doesn't help you now does it.

    You can only let her sleep with you and when you feel her start dreaming you can tell her it's just a dream. That is what I do with my 3 year old. She dreams all kind of stuff, like somebody taking something away from her or so. Anyway if I catch her early enough she doesn't even wake up.

    After a while those dreams will stop as her brain is forgetting the terrible stuff. You can tell her it's just a story and the dogs name was "Fluffy" he was Hagrids friend and there to guard the stone, so he is a good guy in some way. Maybe this helps.

    Voldemort, well he died at the end of the movie (not pretty, but gone) so maybe you could tell her there is nothing to fear from him anymore.

    And tell her not to watch movies at friends houses that she doesn't know, so something like this can not happen again. She will understand she was probably scared watching it.

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