
7 year old slumber party...?

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What are some great slumber party ideas? My daughter is turnong 7, but I am not the most creative person. Any advice is appreciated, thanks in advance!




  1. Makeover party (nails and hair accessories)

    Build-a-bear party

    Hannah Montana party

    Camp-out party (they can sleep in tents either inside or outside) with smores and hot cocoa

    Movie and popcorn night

  2. My sister is currently 7 and this year for her 8th birthday we will be having a slumber party!

    She also just attended a slumber party for a friend of hers. One thing they did was went on a scavenger hunt! Each girl got a list of items. Next to each item was a picture of the item (incase of reading problems). On each list was lipgloss/chapstick, a small bag of skittles, a lolipop. The things that they found went into a bag and it was their "goodie bag" to take home.

    Before they went on the scavenger hunt each girl was given a white paper bag, like a gift bag, the kind with handles. They sell them in packs at stores like walmart (and they're not expensive). Each child was given an assortment of stickers and paint, markers, and crayons..and they decorated their bags. I thought that was a cute idea.

    Last year I threw my sisters birthday party and we had an ice cream party! I bought a big thing of vanilla ice cream from BJ's wholesale store (You can just get a few regular sized things of ice cream though if you dont have a whole sale store like that near you). On the table was sprinkles, gummy bears, m&m's ..all kinds of ice cream topings. My sister wants to do this again this year at her sleep over (she does not want a birthday cake, so this is the alternitive).

    Little girls around this age LOVE to bake. Maybe after dinner/before dessert time you can have them all help you bake some cookies. You can give each child something to add to the mixture and then they can  take turns mixing it all up.

    Before the party you can bring your daugther to a video rental place and rent a movie, and the girls can watch it before "lights out" time.

    If you do things with make-up and nail polish I would get parental permission first. I personally dont think that its a big deal for kids to have a little fun with that kind of stuff. However I have seen parents get very upset over that kind of stuff.

  3. Its easy board games or playstion do each other nails, get a childrens movie that just came out . You and your daughter could make up a game about her like at a baby shower and and whoever know the most about her wins a prize (something like you would he rin the store for a couple of dollars). Like who's really her best friend. And it all about her for a minute for sure lol. Have a dance contest. Do karaoke! Good luck!

  4. i luv slumber parties

    do you work at burns middle school!

    i might know u

    u can try makeovers, hair, nails!

    make it think that their in libby lu's

    i luv that store (even though im 13 years old)

  5. I would make sure makeup is ok with all the moms before you offer it to the girls there.  I think a popular movie and alot of junk food would do fine.

  6. You could go to the local school and ask the school counselor for the name of a couple of honest, reliable and trustworthy cheerleaders.    Ask them to come to your home in uniform w/ pom poms and (for pay) and teach the girls some basic cheers and cartwheels.     I'd say an hour or so would be sufficient.     Buy the girls each a cheap set of pom poms.      Tape the session and make copies for party favors.      At 7, they will love the cheerleaders.  

    Have some make-up and nail polish for makeovers and a fashion show.       They may or may not want your help.    

    You could rent a hotel room (not necessariy fancy) with an indoor pool.      The kids can swim in the hotel pool for hours; go up to the room; order pizza in; they can jump on the beds, watch tv, polish fingernails and eat junk (that you've brought).      There will be no mess at your house and the kids will love staying at a hotel and being able to swim.    Just make sure that the kids can swim or they bring a life jacket---otherwise it won't be fun.

  7. Try these games - they are very fun for all ages and you will not need to be too creative.

    M&Ms GAME

    STUFF YOU'LL NEED!!! You'll probably have all of these.



    Paper & Pen  


    Divide everyone into two or three teams.

    Write out some clues.  For example, purple, black and bouncy would indicate that the M&M’s were hidden on my purple and black trampoline.

    Each team gets the same clue, in a different order so the other team doesn't see where the clue is.  

    Place at each location a cup of M &M's hidden somewhere.  

    The team takes 3 M&M's at each spot.  They don't know how much each M&M is worth until the end.

    Then the team with the most points at the end wins!!



    Stuffed Animals



    On the invitation ask your friends to bring a stuffed animal.

    When everyone gets there put all of the stuffed animals in a pile.

    Then one by one people are blindfolded and they have to find their stuffed animal without looking!

    Whoever picks their stuffed animal wins.


    You can only play this if you have a bunch of Halloween costumes and dress up clothes.

    STUFF U'LL NEED!!! LOL apologies about the marks!

    Halloween Costumes

    Dress Up Clothes


    Two people go into a different room where the clothes are.

    They have 2 minutes to create a superhero out of the clothes.  Someone could slap some clothes on and call herself... "I didn't have a costume 2 minutes ago Man!!"

    OR YOU COULD......................................

    How about baking something - a cake or browniess - each person could make one if u have a big enough kitchen - or they could pair up - or make them in groups - depending on how many kids ur inviting to the party!

    This is really cool because all girls love to cook and it would be really fun, trust me! They could ice on their names, or do initials with smarties, etc, and it would just be really fun!!!

    Hope I helped.

    Have a great day.

    Your friend,



  8. A slumber party with makeup and food is all you need!

  9. Well my daughter is haveing hers in May and she themed it  Hannah Montana birthday party.  We are going to have pizza, kareokee, videos, cake, icecream and so forth.

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