
7 year old son hits for no reason??????

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He is a very good boy, does good in school. Only problem is hitting others for no reason. Mostly is happenig on the bus, He is on there for a bit but brings his gameboy to play. He knows it's wrong and He will tell you that but then why does He do it? It drives me nuts. I usually take computer away cuz He likes to play on there. Any suggestions




  1. Some behaviors like this are common but usually does not happen repeatedly. I think that positive reinforcement is sometimes more effective then punishment. For instance: He goes a week without hitting others and reward him with a special dessert or some thing that is special to him. He also may have pent up emotions that he does not know how to express in a positive way and instead takes it out on other kids. If it s not Psychological in any way then just reinforcing good behavior and making sure he knows it's wrong will hopefully lead to positive results.

  2. he is a good boy, indeed.

    but he may have some problems.

    try slow-talking to him.

    he might have some serious issues in his mind.

  3. I don't think he hit for no reason, talk to him and ask him if he have any problem with the kids that he hit , or he could be board, or even to stress from school , some times they hit the younger kids cause they can' t solve their problem with their peer. Discipline doesn't help , you really need to know why so you can help him to control his feeling .

  4. i know that your being told about the hitting but are you hearing the whole story? Does your child already have a stigma or label on him as " the boy who hits " ? I'm asking because I have a 7 yr old too. I was always being called into the office for what my son did.

    Even if another child was involved and participated it was my son who was being sent to the office until one day an insider said " its a shame how hard they are on him "

    it made me think  if this person is on the inside has no reason to side with me because I am an outsider and don't know this person there has to be reason. Sure enough I stepped up to the plate and made sure I received the entire story and demanded for equal repercussions for both children. I started to stand up for my son and realized it's not him it's the label that the adults have placed on him. Sure my son is not perfect by all means but something is making him act out. In my son's case it was the isolation he was receiving from the other children because it was leaked that he had ADHD from an insider of the school office whom was chummy chummy with many of the parents. It went as far as the own teacher telling parents to keep their child away from my son. It's been better since going to the board of education and really fighting for my sons right to a good education without being held back from growing socially. It's sad but you'd think that schools are the safe haven for children and often people fail to realize that teachers, principals, teachers aides are human and make mistakes too even though they are at a child's expense. I say dig deep and find out if its really  your son or is the assumption that it had to be him whom caused the situation. My son admitted it as well as majority of children with ADHD are extremely sensitive with their feelings.

    Your child seems to know what he's doing but there has to be more to what your hearing. Best of luck.

  5. He might have ADHD. There are so many different types of ADHD.

    Classic ADD - Inattentive, distractible, disorganized. Perhaps hyperactive, restless and impulsive


    Inattentive ADD - Inattentive, and disorganized.  

    Over-focused ADD - Trouble shifting attention, frequently stuck in loops of negative thoughts, obsessive, excessive worry, inflexible, oppositional and argumentative.

    Temporal Lobe ADD - Inattentive and irritable, aggressive, dark thoughts, mood instability, very impulsive. May break rules, fight, be defiant, and very disobedient. Poor handwriting and trouble learning are common.

    Limbic System ADD - Inattentive, chronic low-grade depression, negative, low energy, feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness.

    Ring of Fire ADD - Inattentive, extremely distractible, angry, irritable, overly sensitive to the environment, hyper-verbal, extremely oppositional, possible cyclic moodiness.

    I am not saying he does, its just a possibility, but it wouldn't hurt to take him to get checked out.

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