
7 year that is talking back and yelling?

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Hello I have a 7 year old son that has a problem with back talking and yelling.. I send him to his room and different things like that and he will tell me no.. What can I do without him yelling and talking back to me???




  1. If you dont disapline him now he will grow up with these habits trust me! You need to be strict and firm. Kids love weakness in adults and they will take as much advantage of you as possible if they feel that they have the power to

  2. Look at him strait in the eye and be firm, with a non so loud voice tell him...

    "There is no need to yell or screem" 'You are a god kid and good kids know how ti express with out yelling".. So if there is any problem please,talk to me , I will listen to you... "But if next time youu yell or scream, this will have consequenses".... This is what you can tell him hopefully he will get your poiny,  but if he continues  then spanking will NOT be a solution but you can take away privileges like TV, computer, Video games for a day or 2. Even punishment like sending him to his room alone to meditate for a hour, or make him write 50 times`"i will not scream or yield ".... Good luck & best wishe :)

  3. you need to look at him in the face and tell him dont yell at me am right here but you need to go to your room and stay there and if you contnue to leave your room i will contnue to take you back to your room intil   you stay there

  4. i dont know why everybpdy is saying talk to him.

    he needs wupen

    that will get his butt in line

  5. This is a common concern with parents.  The best thing to do is first be a good example of not yelling.  Also to tell him that you expect to be talked to in a respectful way.  Be consistent in whatever consequences he has, as inconsistency is the biggest problem with helping children grown into new behaviors.

  6. Have you tried the naughty step this will work persistance is the key tell him in a firm voice not to take that tone with me if he persists then calmly put him on the step for 7 minutes a minute for every year of his life.

    If he tries to come off put him back on and hold him there if you don't give up he will before you and realise he cannot talk to you this way.

    Be strong and remember a person that smacks a child is out of control children don't need to be smacked or hit. Praise good behaviour and ignore bad behaviour your child will then soon realise that yelling is not a way to get mommy's attention

  7. Maybe something is bothering him and he doesn't now quite how to handle it. If this is not the norm for him then you just need to sit him down and talk. Really listen to him even if you don't think it is a big deal, to him it is. Maybe he is hanging around kids who are disrespectful to their parents and he is trying to see how much you will take from him.


  9. i understand your situation because i have the same problem with yours. My boys likes to talked back they also seven yrs. old.My advice to you is to calm down yourself first dont react harshly back tp them it will cause more argument. instead call him to sit or stand in front of you and talk to him in a nice way ask him why he talks back to you? Ask if he loves you or not if he say he loves you then ask him why he have to yell at you.Tell him good manners and respect is a good boy.


  11. blister his ***

  12. Don't spank, give him a time-out

  13. Wait until he starts cussing at you. That will be worse! lol

    Seriously, though, all kids do that. When my daughter was this age, I used the "pick-her-up-and-carry-her-there" technique, along with a reminder that Mommy makes the rules, not the child, and you must do what I say. Some alone time and no tv/video games for a couple days should do the trick. Good luck. :)

  14. When you talk to him, look him in the eye and tell him, "Don't yell at me, because I can hear you just fine. Stop, and go to your room. Don't come down, because if you do, I will just send you back up. Okay?"


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