
7 years in jail..if caught

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if caught on your mobile phone whilst driving..

well i haven't heard of one driver being caught as yet..

but i see a lot on their mobile,,

are the police not looking.. or are the drivers crafty ?..




  1. I'm sure I read today that someone 'famous' has been done recently for just this!

    Edit : yep - The Mirror site - Kelly Brock.

  2. actually i would be better if anyone who drinks and drives goes to jail for a min of 5 years. Talking on phone is illegal and should warrant a

    jail term, but not 7 years. Of course the problem here is there are no jail spaces according to the police, judiciary, so where are they likely to be be banged up?

  3. The up to seven years is only when you kill someone!

    One of the problems is that the public can't report a driver its only when the police catch them. But lets face it, anyone who drives whilst speaking on a mobile phone has go to be a simpleton and they deserve all they get. I think it should be a life ban from driving and the same for drunk drivers. They know the law over 3000 deaths on the roads each year in the UK.  

  4. Hi Poppyday

    That can't be right, can it? Using a mobile isn't that serious!

    We might as well include a mandatory 2 years in prison with every car sale. Utter sillyness

    btw: that's a clone s**y Pig up there

  5. as if their gonna do that maybe if you killed someone while on your phone & driving!

  6. well what happens when over half the population is in prison ? who is going to foot the bill?

  7. it's not necessarily publicised when a driver is caught.  

  8. No!!...only if you kill someone while on the phone. The penalty for driving while on a mobile phone is a fine and points on your license.

  9. I think drivers who do this are placing other peoples lives in jeopardy and should be severely punished. I wouldn't go along with 7 years, unless something terrible happened as a result. It should be a hefty fine and loads of points on their licence. for the first offence, then escalating sentence for further offences.There have been a number of cases, one chap said he was scratching his ear, thankfully he got done. I think confiscation of the phone would also be a good deterrent.

  10. its only 7 years if you knock down and kill someone if your caught with a mobile  - which i think isnt severe enough!!

  11. Seems a bit harsh for a driving offence. Compared to all the scum who walk away after doing much, much worse.

    Nice to know where their priorities lie.

  12. Sod's Law

  13. Bad idea:

    Prison/jail should be reserved for the truly violent.  it does taxpayers and society absolutely no good to keep a lot of people who are not dangerous locked up.  It is expensive, and the when they get out they will be disenfranchised.  Having a whole bunch of disenfranchised people walking around (as opposed to taxpaying, productive citizens) does nobody any good.  We often get so hung up on severely punishing the 'guilty' that we totally forget about making things good for the law abiding people.

    That said, using cellphones while driving is dangerous and arrogant, as it shows a total lack of regard to safety of others.  It should be punished severely.  Take away their car, fine them heavily, sentence them to community service (lots of it), otherwise hit them in their purse.  Banning them from using cell phones for a set amount of time (that would really get them where they live!).  But seven years in prison?  i don't think so.  Waste of prison space and taxpayer dollars!

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