
7 yr old birthday and i want to buy him?

by  |  earlier

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a pet! im his much older sister. i dont want my mom to get stuck doing any work (ok maybe a little) or having to buy alot of things for the maintenance. like i said hes turning 7 so a little responsibility wont hurt him. preferably he can hold it and possibly pet it - not a fish or anything that eats live things. i dont want it to be very expensive. it needs to be caged.... any suggestions? i was thinking about a hamster type but the bedding could be a problem - is it much work?




  1. Maybe a rat, guinea pig, or a lizard.  I wouldn't recommend a hamster (they tend to bite)  Rats are also very nice.  I used to have two of them, and they were very sweet.

  2. I think you should get a Guiney Pig they are sorta lika a hamster but they are funner. (if that's a word).

  3. Fish don't eat live things... just buy him a small gold fish and a personalised tank ( I bough my brother a goldfish and a spongebob tank when he was 7- he loved it)

  4. well i would suggest a ginnie pig

  5. a hamster sounds good but also maybe a bunny rabbit or a bird?

  6. I think a mouse would be a good pet for a 7 year old. Don't use that wood shaving bedding,recycled paper bedding is better.

  7. Personally I would get a rabbit, the best type would be a Dutch rabbit. Their not hard to keep as long as fresh food and water is gien daily, which is a good responsiblity. Also he can help clean out but may need help

    You could get a hamster, but if you do make sure you dont get a dwarf hamster as they are not easy to handle and that they are kept not in a bedroom as he wouldnt be able to sleep very well

  8. i had a hampster at the age of seven... i had a great time! then again i have heard alot about lizards if he likes slimy things :( i guess i dont have much for ya:) sorry, help you have the problem resolved

  9. If you get a hamster or a fish or  a gerbil or another small pet please realize that this pet is totally dependent on you for its care-- you are responsible for making sure this pet is healthy and well cared for -- totally -- until the day it dies -- which could be 5 or 6 years from now. Are you totally committed to caring for it for its whole life? You are only 7 -- are you old enough to do this??

    A small pet also needs veterinary care --  this costs money. You need to make sure your budget has eough to cover all the care your pet will need for the next several years.

    Go to an animal shelter and talk to the people there about responsible pet care-- the odds are they might very well have a hamster or a gerbil or other small pet for you.

    Your mom has to come with you of course.

    I used to have goldfish-- with proper care they lived to be 5, 6, even 7 years old.

  10. uhmm a little toad.. or a little lizard.

    oh hermit crabs are fun :] they bite though

    hamsters are easy.. you change the bedding every week.. give it food and water every day and give it a wheel :] just make sure it's not pregnant when you get it. that happens everytime i get a hamster and i ended up with 50 by the end of the year.. not good.

    guinea pigs

    OH! parrotkeets. get that :] there so cute and they don't make a lot of noise. they just sit o your finger or shoulder.

  11. well ive had a gerbil before and there much better than hamsters because they dont bite u as much only when you make them realy mad and you can barely feel it but hamsters will make you bleed they bite so hard but if you are going for a rodent i would suggest getting two so they wont get lonley the bedding isnt much work you just have to replase it every 2 weeks and its not expensive nither are the gerbils normaly you cand ffind them around 8 dollars if you want to know more about them search wickapedia that helps alot hope i helped good luck xoxoxo

  12. Rabbit

    Guinea Pig




  13. I had a guinea pig and all we did was buy cedar bedding and dumb it out when it got dirty.  As for what type of pet I have no idea when I was 7 I had cats.

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