
7-yr-old son going #2 in pants every day...Please help!?

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My son was doing good as far as potty training and then it seemed like overnight he stopped using the restroom. He goes #2 in his pants, but will go #1 in the restroom. I've had him checked with the doctor and she says there's nothing wrong with him. But, it's been over 6 months and he's still going #2 in his pants, even at school. He is embarrassed about it though and when he soils himself at school he hides from everyone and stays to himself. At home, he does the same thing. I'm at my wits end. Any advice?




  1. I would see another doctor and a mental health professional.  I have a student (8 years old) who will defecate on himself to get out of school.  The county where I am currently teaching, I know of at least 3 boys who defecate on themselves almost daily.  I immediately thought sexual abuse like another poster.  They actually have a medical diagnosis.  I can't remember the name and I can't locate it on line.  Each of these boys also have poor diets and are significantly overweight.  I hope you find out what's causing this problem.  Good luck.

    I found it.  It's called encopresis.  Here's a link:

  2. Sydney is correct I am afraid! Your poor son:( Please get him help immediately.

    I am appalled that your Dr. did not look into this farther!

    Good luck!

  3. This situation is called encopresis. Your doctor is an idiot if she thinks that there is nothing wrong with him Take your son to a pediatric gastroenterologist or a pediatrician who is familiar with this disorder.

    Encopresis is VERY COMMON but little talked about. It has nothing to do with molestation, stress (except that it causes your child and family a lot of stress), intelligence, defiance, etc. It is caused by  chronic constipation and a flabby stretched out bowel and colon. There is treatment, it takes time and effort, and is fixable. Good luck.

  4. give him 4 saltines before he goes to bed  and pack lunch for him with a sandwich on rye an include saltines:)

  5. I would probably treat him as if he was a baby again and give him treats when he went to the bathroom for #2. It worked with my sister.

    Good Luck!

  6. Not to scare you, but this is a very common behavior with children that are molested.  They pee or p**p on themselves to make them dirty so no one will touch them.  Also if they are being molested anally, sometimes they turn off in their head any feeling down there so when they have to p**p, they don't realize it and just p**p on themselves.  Your next step should be to have him checked out by a mental health professional.  I hope I am wrong.

  7. I think you might have accidentally put in the wrong age.  I don't think you meant 7 years old.  Re-ask your question with the right age, please.

  8. You should really check his diet out, my grandson was doing it, and his doctor suggested he start taking his lunch to school and  well it work, something to do with the school lunches not agreeing with him.

  9. if it is uncontrolable there is something wrong for sure, but if he is just doing it , he may be trying to get attention from you , even if its bad attention some children will take anything they can get.

  10. See another Dr.

  11. i had a friend that did this when i was in 3rd grade.  i remember it well, turns out his family was super dysfunctional and his dad was beating him and his mother.  i'm not saying that's what is happening in your home... but i am saying that this behavior is common to children under severe stress.  look for the cause of his distress and see what you can do about it!

    good luck!

  12. First, I'd sit him down and talk to him maybe by asking him if something wrong or if he realizes that he needs to go at the last minute, but is to late. Maybe you can ask him if he wants to wear a diaper to help him feel a little bit better, or just take him to another doctor to see what might be causing it.

  13. feed him lots of cheese...that should block him up. hope this helps.

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