
70's/80's child benefit being back pay?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know whether this is just a rumor but I heard that the government (UK), as a way of saying "sorry", are "back paying" all parents who's child was raised during the 70's (and I think 80's too) since they never got support in those days and mothers had to care etc instead of having the opportunity for education etc?

I heard of one lady already who's made a claim for back payment for her kids who were raised in those decades and she got thousands!

Any clarity would be appreciated, thanks :)




  1. It could never be true, since the government are finding more ways NOT to pay us money and would rather have us pay them.

    Besides this would be too much of a burden on the already overloaded budget.

  2. Sounds an absolute crock of c**p to me.

    I was born in the 70's and obviosly lived through the 80's

    and always remember child benefit being paid to my mum / dad.

  3. No you have heard wrong its about women who stayed home to look after there children untill they were 16 & couldnt top up there pension, The govement should have advised all these lady,s to top up there pension.

    My Local M P has been on to me & has sent all my details  to

    house of commons there is a short fall of stamps. I will find the details.    Found IT>

                                                                                                                               ITs called Home Responsibilities Protection.I buy back the missing years of £1,200.& get a return of £3,000 I dont have to pay up front they send a cheque  for the difference , any one that thinks this aplies to them should get in touch with a local MP or go to dept pensions & enquire. I cant write it all down its to long.                                              PS  Also  we never got any money for  the  first child  either  we had  25 pence a week  5 shillings. in old money.

  4. To me it`s just a rumour and nothing else

    Wish at was true as we had six kids

    and i don`t think the government would

    like to pay us any back pay.

  5. generally speaking no benefits are back paid and certainly not for years back, think about it - how much paperwork would they have to go through to check? plus it would cost millions

    I think you've been had

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