
700 watt 4 way 6x9 speakers, 4 12's, and 1800 watt amp.?

by Guest60455  |  earlier

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I wanna get a pair of 700 watt 4 way 6x9 speakers, two 12's of 900 watt subwoofers (2 seperate boxes which means four 12's and 1800 total watts.) Also a 1800 watt amp. How do you think all that will work like is that an ok idea or a bad idea? WHAT? Help me out! THANKS




  1. well  how many channels is the amp and u need to find the rms     not the peak power of all the speakers and the amp and let me know that... with the power u r saying the amp has max,  then i dont think u r even going to have enough for just the subs

  2. Dude just get a 1000- 1500 watt amp for the 4 12"s. Let the radio power the 6x9"s.

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