
72 virgins when in heaven??

by Guest62662  |  earlier

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I know the saying that Muslims get 72 virgins when they go to heaven is just untrue, but does it have ANY Qur'anic basis at all? Is there any history behind it? Or does it just come from complete stupidity and ignorance?




  1. Didn  you listen from the Mouth of an educated Muslim that any one will get 72 virgins for doing any thing good or bad  or you heard it written in Israeli or western media associating with Muslims?  Higher chances are that you heard it in western media from the mouth of newscasters. They often say what their bosses has written to read for them without any knowledge of their own what they are saying.

    There is no mention of 72 virgins any where in quran. Either some one used this word as false incentive for young boys to excite them to kill

    Israelis using suicide bombs in revenge of their killing the Palestinians or it is created by western media just to make Muslims look


    When God will resurrect all humans from their graves at the end of this world with new flesh and young age of around 32-33  all humans will be virgins -males and females.  Then virginity will not be a big deal.

    Every one will get wife or wives of his choice.  But Allah has not promised for 72 virgins. This is absolute lie.

  2. Salam for you my dear friend .Serving by 72 virgins was explained in the hadits of Muhammad pbuh collected,evaluated and written by Imam Bukhari In the Qur'an Allah spoke that for heaven's inhabitants Allah prepares more pleasures such as milk,honey,foods,meat,fruits,river flows,silk clotes,gold and silver glasses etcIn surah Ath Thuur. 52:19 Allah spoke Please eat and drink  as you like as a reward for what have you been done .In surah 52 Ath Thuur verse or ayat 24 Allah spoke that around the people in heaven there are many young persons who serve them just like the stored pearls

  3. Do muslims EVER wonder why...?

    the Torah written thousands of years before Islam was started, openly declared Isaac to be the rightful son of the covenant, the Jews as the chosen people, and the eternal covenant between God and the Jews...was suddenly overturned by muhammad's encounter in the Hira cave?

    I mean, I know why muslims believe in muhammad, but do muslims spend time thinking about why would a God who spent thousands of years writing the scriptures through tens of prophets and thousands of witnesses SUDDENLY turn around and appear to a person who neither had the miraclous nor prophetic powers to prove his anointment and claim all previous revelations or records as corrupted.

    That Isaac was not the rightful heir, that the Jews are now discarded as the chosen, and the covenant is no longer eternal.

    Seriously. As a muslim, do you spend time thinking of the probability of a God who would turn against His people whom He had taken 40 years to personally lead across the desert to Canaan, manifesting great miracles...only to bring up a man as a final and last prophet yet already disqualified by God’s previous prophets and chose a totally different community to be the chosen.

    So, this God is trying to prove Himself as unreliable, to go even against His own will, unable to keep previous scriptures intact yet surprisingly able to keep the final one intact (according to muslims), but wasted thousands of years only to bring up ONE FINAL prophet?

    Does anyone here with an IQ of 100 and above seriously believe God to be this dumb or is it only the dumb people who seriously believe God to be as dumb as them?

    Since when is a religion established by making its deity first look dumb and then claims that the deity made subsequent corrections to rectify previous incapabilities & failures?  Only in Islam.

    This is called religious delusion.


  4. please! read your holy books for youself. everything else is only be a lie and out of context as you are trained to say,

  5. Quran does not say anything about 72 vigins. For other sources one must turn to the six (recognized) books of Hadith, among which Malik's Muwatta and Bukhari are more reliable. But neither Malik nor Bukhari considered their compilations perfect. Out of the other four Hadith books, Tirmidhi is the main source for the belief that martyrs may get up to 72 Houris. It was only in the sixth century A.H. that Tirmidhi's "Jami'" was accepted as one of the canonical books on Hadith. Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud and Sunan Nasai all received acceptance before Tirmidhi's Jami'. The other source is Ibn Khatir's "tafseer" (commentary) on the Quran. In a recent translation of his work, one can find a note from the publisher saying, "We are aware that Ibn Kathir's original work does contain some weak narrations as well as a number of Traditions related from the People of the Book (i.e. Jews and Christians}." Therefore, one can say that if a theological issue only has to rest on Tirmidhi and Ibn Khatir's commentary, it probably wouldn't be considered as very reliable. [By the way, the number 72 was a significant number in Jewish mysticism and among Christian Gnostics, and that's probably how it got into Hadith literature. But that's another topic].

    Quran does mention Houris and describes them as beautiful women of Paradise, who will be "married" to those men who make it to Heaven. But the exact number is not given. In Bukhari, there is a Hadith that two Houris will be given to each man, but it's narrated through Abu Huraira, a man about whose credibility many Muslims, especially the Shiah, have expressed some grave doubts about throughout Islamic


    Quran makes it certain that people will enter Heaven with their wives and children: "And (as for) those who believe and their offspring follow them in faith, We will unite with them their offspring..."(52:21). Verse 40.8 also says the same thing, " Our Lord! and make them enter the gardens of perpetuity which Thou hast promised to them and those who do good of their fathers and their wives and their offspring, surely Thou are the Mighty, the Wise."

    As far as the descriptions of Paradise are concerned in the Quran, the idea is that each person who believes in God and has good deeds would be rewarded in the hereafter with whatever his or her heart desires. [It is expected that a person would be wise and noble before he or she enters Heaven]. There is a well known Hadith, reported both in Bukhari and Muslim, that says, "God has said that for my good and obedient servants, I have prepared that which no eyes have seen, no ears have heard, and no heart has considered." Ibn Abbas, one of the companions of the Prophet (s.a.w), also stated that except for names, there is no comparison between what exists on earth and what will be in the hereafter.

  6. Regardless of religion, the saints and martyrs get great rewards. 72 houris are not virgins. they are non-human creatures of paradise. All women martyrs get to enjoy bliss with the houris as well. The 72 houris verse comes from hadith. It can be taken symbolically to mean that in paradise, you will experience fresh beautiful exciting joy more than you can imagine in this world.

  7. Nothing in the Qur'an specifically states that the faithful are allotted 72 virgins apiece. For this elaboration we turn to the hadith, traditional sayings traced with varying degrees of credibility to Muhammad (Pbuh) Hadith number 2,562 in the collection known as the Sunan al-Tirmidhi says, "The least [reward] for the people of Heaven is 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome of pearls, aquamarine and ruby."  

  8. Their will be no sexual activities in heaven sorry to burst your bubble guys.

  9. A translatiion of the Quaran goes as such, "It was mentioned by Daraj Ibn Abi Hatim, that Abu al-Haytham 'Adullah Ibn Wahb narrated from Abu Sa'id al-Khudhri, who heard the Prophet Muhammad PBUH saying, 'The smallest reward for the people of Heaven is an abode where there are eighty thousand servants and seventy-two houri, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine and ruby, as wide as the distance from al-Jabiyyah to San'a. Houri being the virgins

  10. There is no such thing of 72 virgins in Islam or Quran. u cant find even a single verse of Quran which says the thing like that. this thing came from some corrupt hadith. detail answer is

    In Islam, the Houri is described as "(splendid) companions of equal age (well-matched)", "lovely eyed", of "modest gaze", "voluptuous", "pure beings" or "companions pure" of paradise, denoting humans and jinn who enter paradise after being recreated anew in the hereafter.There are graphical descriptions of physical pleasures in heaven. Islam also has a strong mystical tradition which places these heavenly delights in the context of the ecstatic awareness of God.

    Description: The houri have variously been described as being "chaste females", "restraining their glances", "modest gaze", "wide and beautiful/lovely eyes", "untouched / with hymen unbroken by sexual intercourse", "like pearls", "virgins", "voluptuous/full-breasted", "with large, round b*****s which are not inclined to hang", "companions of equal age", "non-menstruating/urinating/defecating and childfree", "60 cubits [27.5 meters] tall", "7 cubits [3.2 meters] in width", "transparent to the marrow of their bones", "eternally young", "hairless except the eye brows and the head", "pure", "beautiful", "white", "splendid" and much more besides

    Classical Arabic usage: According to classical Arabic usage in the time when the Qur'an was recited by Muhammad, Hur'in is made of two words Hur as well as In. The word 'Hur' is the plural of both Ahwar (Masculine) and Hawra (Feminine) which literally translates as "white-eyed", or persons distinguished by Hawar, signifying "intense whiteness of the eyeballs and lustrous black of the pupils." (ref: Qamus ), hence 'the purity' (ref: Tafsir al'Tabari, and Tafsir al-Razi in 3:52). And as for the phrase, "In it is the plural of both 'Ayan' (Masculine) and 'Ainao' (Feminine)", it was used to refer to the beautiful eyes of the wild-cow whose eyes are blond. In general, this word implies 'most beautiful eye' irrespective of the person's gender. Thus, the most appropriate English rendering of the compound word Hur'In will be: "Companions pure, most beautiful of eye." and it is applicable to both male and female

    Corresponding Hebrew root

    In Hebrew the corresponding adjective ????? hiwer has the same root h-w-r, meaning "pale, whitish".


    The houri are mentioned in several places in the Qur’an, although in plural no specific number is given to the amount of houries available. Likewise it does not appear from the Qur’an that only girls should be available; both sexes are mentioned. And they are made available to all Muslims, not just martyrs.

    "Thus shall it be. And We shall pair(zawajnahoom: pair them, marry them). Note zawj (lit., “a pair” or - according to the context - “one of a pair”) applies to either of the two sexes,a man to a woman and a woman to a man, as does the transitive verb zawaja, “he paired” or “joined”, i.e., one person with another)[30]them with companions pure, most beautiful of eye."[Chapter (Surah) Ad-Dukhan (The Smoke)(44):54][31]

    "In these [gardens] will be mates of modest gaze [qasirat at-tarf: Lit., “such as restrain their gaze”, i.e., are of modest bearing and have eyes only for their mates (Tafsir Razi).This phrase applies to both genders.[4]], whom neither man nor invisible being will have touched ere then." [Chapter (Surah) Ar-Rahman (The Most Beneficent(55):56][32]

    "[There the blest will live with their] companions pure and modest, in pavilions [splendid] [Chapter (Surah) Ar-Rahman (The Most Beneficent)(55):72][33]

    "reclining on couches [of happiness] ranged in rows!” And [in that paradise] We shall mate them with companions pure, most beautiful of eye [Chapter (Surah) At-Tur (The Mount)(52):20][34]

    Here are verses that refer to one’s spouse renewal to a pure state :

    "And [with them will be their] spouses, raised high: for, behold, We shall have brought them into being in a life renewed, having resurrected them as virgins [Chapter (Surah) Al-Waqi'a (The Event)(56):34-36]

    And among His wonders is this: He creates for you mates out of your own kind [min anfusikum azwajan, Lit. “from among yourselves mates (spouses, one of the pair)”] so that you might incline towards them, and He engenders love and tenderness between you: in this, behold, there are messages indeed for people who think! … And He it is who creates [all life] in the first instance, and then brings it forth anew: and most easy is this for Him, since His is the essence of all that is most sublime in the heavens and on earth, and He alone is almighty, truly wise. [Chapter (Surah) Ar-Rum (The Romans)(30):21…27]

    There are also verses regarding both genders explicitly:

    God has promised the believers, both men and women (Lit., waalmuminoona (male believers) waalmuminatu (female believers), gardens through which running waters flow, therein to abide, and goodly dwellings in gardens of perpetual bliss: but God's goodly acceptance is the greatest [bliss of all] -for this, this is the triumph supreme! [Chapter (Surah) At-Taubah (The Repentance) (9):72]

    As for anyone - be it man or woman [Lit., min (from) thakarin (male) aw (or) ontha (female)][16:97] - who does righteous deeds, and is a believer withal - him shall We most certainly cause to live a good life, and most certainly shall We grant unto such as these their reward in accordance with the best that they ever did. [Chapter (Surah) An-Nahl (The Bee) (16):97]

    A verse regarding other companionship:

    “And, O our Sustainer, bring them into the gardens of perpetual bliss which Thou hast promised them, together with the righteous from among their forebears, and their spouses, and their offspring - for, verily, Thou alone art almighty, truly wise [Chapter (Surah) Ghafir (The Forgiver)(40):8]

    Classical Arabic usage

    According to classical Arabic usage in the time when the Qur'an was recited by Muhammad, Hur'in is made of two words Hur and In. The word 'Hur' is the plural of both Ahwar (Masculine) and Hawra (Feminine) which literally translates into persons distinguished by Hawar, signifying "intense whiteness of the eyeballs and lustrous black of the pupils." (ref: Qamus ), hence 'the purity' (ref: Tafsir al'Tabari, and Tafsir al-Razi in 3:52). And as for the phrase, "In it is the plural of both 'Ayan' (Masculine) and 'Ainao' (Feminine)",

    it was used to refer to the beautiful eyes of the wild-cow whose eyes are blond. In general, this word implies 'most beautiful eye' irrespective of the person's gender. Thus, the most appropriate English endering of the compound word Hur'In will be: "Companions pure, most beautiful of eye."and it is applicable to both male and female.

    European usage

    The word "houri" has entered into several European languages (French - 1654, English – 1737) with a meaning of a "voluptuous, beautiful, alluring woman"

    'Houri as w***e' misconception

    The English word "w***e" (German: Hure, Danish "h**e", Swedish: "hora", Dutch: "h**r", Gothic: "hors", Proto-Germanic: "khoron", Indo-European: "*gar") comes from an original meaning of "lover" and is not etymologically related to the Arab non-indo-European word "houri"

    original verses from Quran: Here are verses that refer to one’s spouse renewal to a pure state :

    "And [with them will be their] spouses, raised high: for, behold, We shall have brought them into being in a life renewed, having resurrected them as virgins [Chapter (Surah) Al-Waqi'a (The Event)

    In short, You will end up with your real husband/wife in heaven.

    The real meaning of 72 virgins: "White Grapes"

    Some modern day philologists such as Christoph Luxenberg have argued that the word huri, has been misinterpreted by generations of Muslim readers as wide-eyed virgins (who will serve the faithful in Paradise; Qur'an 44:54, 52:20 ,55:72, 56:22) actually means white grapes. He suggests that the word is actually a misread from its actual meaning of "white grapes", a word often found in many Christian descriptions of Paradise as abounding in pure white grapes. This theory sparked much joking in the Western press; Muslim suicide bombers would be expecting beautiful women and getting grapes.

    The concept of 72 virgins in Islam refers to an aspect of paradise. In a collection by Imam at-Tirmidhi in his "Sunan" (Volume IV, Chapters on "The Features of Heaven as described by the Messenger of Allah", chapter 21: "About the Smallest Reward for the People of Heaven", hadith 2687) and also quoted by Ibn Kathir in his Tafsir (Qur'anic Commentary) of Surah Qur'an 55:72, it is stated that:

    "It was mentioned by Daraj Ibn Abi Hatim, that Abu al-Haytham 'Adullah Ibn Wahb narrated from Abu Sa'id al-Khudhri, who heard the Prophet Muhammad PBUH saying, 'The smallest reward for the people of Heaven is an abode where there are eighty thousand servants and seventy-two houri, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine and ruby, as wide as the distance from al-Jabiyyah to San'a.


    Margaret Nydell states that mainstream Muslims regard this belief about 72 virgins in the same way that mainstream Christians regard the belief that after death they will be issued with wings and a harp, and walk on clouds.

    Another interpretation of the relevant passages of the Qur'an is The Syro-Aramaic Reading Of The Qur'an written by Christoph Luxenberg. In respect of this particular point, Luxenberg argues that the relevant passage actually translates to a portrayal of paradise as a lush garden with pooling water and trees with rare fruit, including white raisins (considered to be delicacies at the time that the Qur'an was written), not virgin maidens.


    Regarding the above statement, Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf has said: "The narration, which claims that everyone would have seventy-two wives has a weak chain of narrators."

    "White Grapes"

    Modern day philologist, Christoph Luxenberg has argued that the word huri, has been misinterpreted by generations of Muslim readers as wide-eyed virgins (who will serve the faithful in Paradise; Qur'an 44:54, 52:20 ,55:72, 56:22) actually means white grapes. He suggests that the word is actually a misread from its actual meaning of "white grapes", a word often found in many Christian descriptions of Paradise as abounding in pure white grapes. This theory sparked much joking in the Western press; Muslim suicide bombers would be expecting beautiful women and getting grapes.

    Conclusion: there is no such thing in Quran and please do not rely on hadith....they are not all prophet's sayings, but changed words of humans.

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