
7months pregnant and whats to know if?

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I found out today that i have a bladder infection my doctor wants to put me on pills but i don't want to take them just because i feel unsafe taking pills and don't want to so i figure if i just drink lots of water and cranberry juice that will help what do u think




  1. I usually won't take any meds unless really needed, but when I was pregnant and needed antibiotics, I took them.  

    At 7 months your baby is well developed plus the doctor wouln't give anything that could be harmful.

    I'ts better to take that, then risk a worse infection.  Hope you find a way to afford them sooner.

  2. I have suffered from bladder infections, urinary tract infections and kidney infections my entire life, even during pregnancy. If the doctor has gone so far as to prescribe anti-biotics, then you would be best to take them. Drinking water and cranberry juice will NOT clear the infection. Once the infection is cleared, then you should drink the water and juice to prevent further infection.

    The doctor wouldn't prescribe anything that will harm your baby, they're not stupid, and they are looking after your health as well as your baby's.

    You should really take the pills, because if it spreads to your kidneys (which is possible if you don't get it under control) you will be in absolute agony, and probably out in hospital.

  3. vit C is the best for UTI's it makes your urine more acid than cranberry juice with kills the bacteria and lots of water of course most cranberry jucie has lots of sugar which is not good for a UTI.....having bladder infections during pregnancy can cause premature labor so if your doc prescribes a med he should tell you the risks vs. the benefits......meds all have what's known as a pregnancy category it goes from A to D the further along the letter the more dangerous it is to take during pregnancy........."A" has no effect where as "D" can cause fetal demise.....this is your choice but I'm sure your doctor will not prescribe something that would cause harm to your baby......if your UTI presists with no relief then take the medication because you don't want to risk premature labor also during pregnancy your immune system is compromised so that your body does not reject the baby so you have to remember that your body will have more of a difficult time fighting off the the way as a newly wed i have had tons of UTI in the past eight months and they never go away on their own i always have to get meds for it UTI are a very difficult thing to stop with out prevent them in the future drink lots of water and never hold in urine and always pee before and after s*x.......congrats girly and take care of yourself a healthy mommy is a healthy baby!!

  4. YOur doc will not give you anysort of medicication that is not safe for you or your baby..i think you should take the medication to resolve the bladder infection.

  5. I think you should do what the doctor advises.   He wouldn't prescribe the antibiotics if he thought it would your baby or you.    If you have a bladder infection, cranberry juice and lots of water won't cure it.   Cranberry juice might be good if you're just beginning to feel the effects of a beginning bladder problem.   The juice and water won't hurt, but get your prescription filled or you'll have bigger problems.

  6. Take the antibiotic its the only way you will get rid of are putting your unborn child in danger right now not taking the med

  7. There are antibiotics you can take.  If you are concerned, ask your OB for recommendations.

  8. Your doctor wouldn't give you a pill that would hurt your baby. But the other stuff would help as well.

  9. hi if you feel unsafe than don't take the tablets you are very right as a youg girl i had plenty of bladder infections lots of water and cranberry juice is the best thing you can also get cranberry tablets which are natural the can also help prevent further infections. GOOD LUCK

  10. I would say listen to the doctor. He or she gets paid for that sort of thing, for telling sick people how to get better.

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