
7th grade science project thingy!?

by  |  earlier

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mkay, so in my science class we are doing this project where we have to make a neuron. we have to include the following parts; dendrites,cell body,nucleus,axon,axon tips,and the mylenion. We have to make this out of recycled parts or just anything around our house. Im not really sure how to make mine so any ideas?!




  1. make it with a ball and some bendy wire and stufff like that

  2. i remember doing this. some people used a pie tin and put things in it to resemble different things. I used a loaf of bred and put things in it. Hair jell works good to fill things in to look like water or something.

  3. Um . . . . Let's see . . . .

    Cell body- Large Ziplock bag

    Dendrites- large straws of a certain color, like curly straws even

    Nucleus- soda can

    Axon- thinner straws of another color than the Dendrites

    Axon tips- rolled up pieces of aluminum foil

    Mylenion- I'm guessing you mean Myelin, just use water, or whipped cream or some thick substance if you want to be creative

    Hope this helps!! I hated the nervous system in school!

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