
7th grader not allowed to go to movies?

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With a HUGE group of friends.

My parents still think I'm a little kid, and they wont let me go, same with the mall.

I am VERY resonsible and have a cell phone.

So any suggestions on how to convince my parents to let me have fun with my friends?





  1. just go over to your friends place if your parents let. then with your friends go to the malls or movies and your parents wouldnt know, unless your freinds parents tell them. good luck

  2. my parents were like this too but i would just go to my friends and we would go meet up with the other friends that were going but my parents thought i was staying at that friends house

    be careful tho if your going to do this because if they catch you their never going to let you do anything

    it worked for me and i never got caught now I'm a few years older and they let me go out and do that kind of stuff but with a new age comes other things your not aloud to do so that means more sneaking around and sneaking outXP

  3. you could have your friends parents talk your parents into letting you go.

  4. im a 7th grader and my parents wont let me go to the movies with my friends either

    try to convince them and if it works tell me what you did^_^

  5. No real way to.  You just need to let them decide when you can and aren't you only 12?  I was 12 in the 7th grade and if I was your parents I'd never let you go to the mall or movies without an adult at that age.

  6. hehehehe its fine my parents were the same when i was your age, they kinda eased up a little when they were the ones takin me to the movies or like the mall. then tell um to ask u to take u and ur friends to the mall and let u guys walk around alone while theyre still in the mall also walking. theyll see that ur responsible and if u run into them in the mall just say hey then theyll know u have nothing to hide and ur responsible. also if u go to a movie just call them and tell um ur inside the theater with ur friends and call um after the movie and they can come pick u up. just always stay with ur friends, never be alone and soon theyll be not so uptight, it took my parents a while but now im a 10th grader and i can do what i want cuz now they trust me :)....hehe only gotta wait till december to get my license :D. just cheer up kid hehe

  7. show them what you would do in bad situations.  That's why my parents thought, they thought that i wouldn't know what to do if something bad happend to me.  Explain that there's like security at the mall and tons of people at the movies that would be there not to mention that big group of friends that you already know.  

    Hope i help :)

  8. I'm going to be a freshman, and I'm still not allowed to go to the mall.  I just got to go to the movies alone a year ago.

    You have to see from your parents perspective. You're, what, 11? 12? At the mall, there have been shootings, fights, and kidnappings galore.  A couple of 11 year old girls wandering around alone arn't going to be very safe.  At the movies, whos to say that you won't sneak into an R movie or get kicked out of the theater or something like that?  A cellphone won't help you  much with any of thoes things.

    Why don't you have somebody's older sibliing go with you?  My mom lets me go to the mall with a friend if my older sister, who is 17, goes with us.  Maybe you could have a parent go with you to the movies or mall and sit in the back and not disturb you.  My friend and I go to the mall with her mom, who goes shopping on her own while my friend and I go off on our own.

    Who says you have to go somewhere to have fun?  Get a group of friends together to watch a movie at your place, then you can have tons of food and all the comfort of home, without having to pay anything.  If your town has a downtown area, walk down there with friends.

    Just don't keep going with the 'I'm responsible/trustworthy" card.  It never got me anywhere, even though I'm a stellar student and none of my friends or I have ever gotten into trouble.

    While you present these suggestions to your parents, say it very responsibly and calmly, with absolutley NO YELLING.  The yelling really puts your parents off.

    I hope you get what I never got.  And If you don't, don't worry.  You'll get through it and forget about it.  It's not a big deal.

  9. wow...i say you are old enough to go out...have cant live inside all your life....i would have your parents look at all the comments you get on this question...hopefully they are good ones...cuz this one will be...maybe after they read these resposes they will understand that you are old enough and they can trust you.

  10. maybe let them drop u off nd pick u up, im in 7th grade 2, nd my parents usually rnt that way, but wen hey r i can get them to let me if they drop me off nd everything, nd they c who im with(my dad Freaks wen im with boys usually) or just tell them ur side of the story, tell them how responcible u r nd that ud call them if u were uncomfortable or somthing bad happened, nd that ud check in by calling like every so often

  11. i know how you feel. i cant go to the mall with friends. my parents are so OVER PROTECTIVE! i hate it! lol. im in 8th grade and i can only go to the movies with some friends. but just remember, they're only doing this to protect you....

  12. Give them a list of (reasonable) reasons you should be able to go to the movies. Explain to them that you are just wanting to hang out with your friends and aren't looking to get in trouble. Pupose calling them to check in every 45 min or something to let them know you are safe and ok. The reason they probably dont allow you is probably because of other people not you. Don't take it the wrong way your parents are just being protective!

  13. offer to do chores?

  14. my parents are the same way except im allowed to go to the mall with my friends. anyways...just spend the nite at a friends house whose allowed to do it and then u can! and if u do convince them some other way...plz email me at

  15. just tell em that parents will be there

  16. i feel your pain.. and yes i wasn't allowed to do those things till 8th grade.. and they said its not me they dont trust its the creepy people out there they dont trust. and i still don't agree with that ****.  

    here this..... i have a friend whose a softmore whose mother still wont let her go out with friends alone(like you).

    you need to show them you're matture and responsible and explain that you're only a phone call away and you know your way around the mall or movie theater, and your only a  phone call away :)

  17. oh wow, that's kind of odd they won't let you go to the moives with friends. just let them drop you off and pick you up if it makes them feel better, and check in when the movie is over. And just convince them there wont be any guys there

  18. Well, tell them that its only for a few hours and you will be back home save and that you have your cell phone with you at ALL times. also tell them that i am now growing up and i think that i am mature enough to go to the movies with a bunch of friends, i am growing up *then smile*  

    hope whats helps~! i said the exact same thing to my parents

  19. You could try approaching them in a level-headed manner, asking them what exactly their concerns are with you going with your friends.

    Don't do it in the whiny tone like-mooooooooooom why dont' you ever let me go out???? wheeeeeeaahhhh...

    But just ask them their concerns, then address them.

    suggest that maybe they can go to the theatre at the same time, see a movie of their choice so that they know you're safe. But remeind them not to be all weird and parent-like.

  20. my parents were having the same issue, just tell them that u have your cellphone on you and u'll call them if there's any trouble. make sure they know you're going with a big group of friends. hope that helps :D

  21. We're on a similar page.

    what kind of friends, how old are they, and what's the boy:girl ratio?

  22. Listen to them, I'm only a few years older, but if you listen and are very good, then you will eventually get what you want. Trust me!


  23. well it depends wat movie it is and wat the rating is

    please respond by adding some more details to your question!!!

  24. Parents are just worried about who your hanging out with, I'm sure they trust you its just you have to look at it from their point of view.

    There are always a negative group of kids at shopping malls and movie theatres up to no good. Parents just get all on the Offensive, Maybe have them meet some friends or tell them you will call in to check in once in awhile tell them your fine. Hope you get to go have fun!

  25. wow i went to the mvies by myself hen i was in 6th grade but tell ur friends who u r goin with to meet ur parents when u guys get dropped off usure them u will just be in the movies and if theres any conflict then they can reach u on the cell tell them what time the movie starts and what time it ends and tell them how long u will be staying usure them u wont be by ur self so they wont get suspisoius and let them no that u r matchure and do this in a nice way

  26. You could show them how responsible you are, and how independent you are on your own, but i'm guessing their worried because of all the horrible things happening in this world, so you could try talking to them and coming up with solutions so that they will let you go and feel good about letting you go.

    Hope this helps.  

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