
8/8/08. Why CAN'T it be the Apocalypse?

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I've noticed some other websites say it's the Apocalypse on August 8, 2008. I don't believe it but I'm kind of embarressed to say this but I'm a little scared. Can someone tell me why the Apocalypse CAN'T be on that day?

Thanks guys.




  1. Its most likely that if it was to occur it would be 2012 because that is where most rumors circulate. Type in "2012" by itself in a search engine and that's what comes up most. So you've still got at least three years... (:

  2. There have been many predictions of the end of the world that have come and gone. We're still here, so I'm not worried.  

  3. Because I have a dentist's appointment.

  4. because i would not have a chane to properly celebrate my 21st birthday my b-day is 8/7/08 and ill be broke until the 15th

  5. itt very well might be.

  6. because its friggin friday, at least end it on monday morning before I have to go back to work.

  7. it can be anyday

    no one knows when

    maybe, maybe not even jesus

    Only God. =]

  8. Well, really it could happen it's just unlikely! And in China the number '8' is supposed to do with prosperity or something. Some sort of good luck! (Hence the Beijing Olympics on that day)

  9. Because there is 0 proof that it will happen and some random person like you and me said it would happen that day.

  10. Because it is impossible to know the end of the world. Only God can know when it will happen.

  11. Me and God are golfing. All 18 holes, so God can't destroy the world. I'll give you a call if he does so you can get your raincoat for the apacolypse.

    One thing that helps is reading the Book of Revalations. It pretty much says that God will save all but the evil. And unless your an evil genious your cool.

    Think of something more scary, like the Canary Islands falling. I'd be dead along with everyone else on the east coast.

  12. well why couldnt it have been on 7/7/07???

    people just like scaring others into thinking that its going to happen.there are billions of dates it could have been on. for example 6/6/06 - triple 6's, = the devil.  people thought it would happen the year 2000. if it happens...well it happens, its not like you need to put all your money into your bank or something.  

  13. Relax, you've got four more years. It's going to happen in 2012 according to many questions on Y/A.

    You sure scare easy. BOO!!!!  

  14. Because it already happened on 6/6/06. Remember? 666. It's over and you missed it.

  15. Because it's my brother's birthday and one of my friends is going on holiday...

  16. I read something related to that date. It was explaining that 888+888=1776 :) I don't remember more. But I think it is bullshit.

  17. Get your billboard out and go around the streets hollering "It's the end of the world, blah, blah, blah!" Otherwise oh please.

  18. Well, if you're religious, you should believe that we are not supposed to know the time or day of the apocalypse, therefore, no date should be absolutely believed. I can give you reasons why it's likely not the date.

    People are obsessed with trying to predict the end of the world and it's been going on for centuries, millenia, even. Also, for centuries, people have been wrong.

    Many believed the Apocalypse would occur in the year 1000.

    When nothing happened then, people predicted it would occur in the year 1033, on the 1000th anniversary of the crucifixion.

    1284 - 666 years after the rise of Islam, another predicted end date.

    I'll jump forward a bit:

    People thought that January 1, 2000 would be the end of the world. Remember how freaked out everyone was about Y2K. And guess what, nothing happened.

    Finally, people thought that 6/6/06 would be end, since it comes kinda close to being the number of the beast. Again, nothing happened besides a few meetings of Satanic organizations.

    People are always trying to predict the end, it's best to just ignore them, otherwise you're gonna be freaking yourself out a least once a year.

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