
8 Month old Baby - How much Milk??

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Can someone please tell me if they think my baby is having too much to eat - We early weaned him at 4 months (Under the Doctors Advice!), He is now 8 months and on Stage 2 of weaning (lumps and mush!)

He has to eat:

Baby Porridge - 5oz Bottle

Lunch and Dessert - 5oz Bottle

Tea and Yoghurt - 5oz Bottle

8oz Bottle for Bed

During the night he may wake and have a 4oz bottle, but we have been told to try and stop this - Thats all the advice the Health Visitor has given.

He refuses to drink Water or Juice so I am worried that if I cut down the milk he will dehydrate!

Any idea's!




  1. :) I remember this...  so much to worry about when they're that age.  Fortunately, your kid will regulate himself.  They come that way from the factory.

    As long as you're not force feeding him when he's not hungry, he will let you know when he's had enough.  If he's waking up at night to eat, he's hungry and you should feed him.  When he's older, you will mix his milk with baby rice cereal - that will take longer to digest and he'll stop waking up on his own.  It all depends on how fast he develops.

    Don't worry about doing everything at the exacy right time.  All babies are different.

    If he keeps wanting food very often, he's digesting what you're giving him faster and you can step up to the next thing.

  2. well at 8 months he is fine to have a bottle..s***w wat the doctor says...he is just an infant..i would give him a 6oz bottle....for bed and that will be fine for me i know im around baby's TOOOO MUCH!!!

  3. i would say 4 bottles of 240 ml at a time  

  4. Once you wean your baby off baby milk and he's eating well,give him Junior milk(less fatty) and for babies that are eating food, babies get introduced to small quantities of food at 16 weeks old,yrs ago it was 10.Baby milk is food and if he has too much with his food,he could become over weight,and yes babies can be over fed.

    I understand what the Health Visitor is saying regarding the night bottle,as it might become a habit and not necessarily that he needs the milk,as he should be sleeping through.

    Try giving him some porridge for supper and his bottle before he sleeps, this may help him to sleep longer.

    Don't worry too much about the water and juice,he will eventually drink it,leave some in a small bottle near him. It might take a while,but he'll try it!

  5. By 8 months, we were supplementing milk with blended solid food (we'd been doing it since 6 months). They're quite capable of dealing with it if it's blended. You're baby will soon stop eating when he's had enough. If he's getting plenty of food during the day, you'll find that he will probably sleep all night too !

    Don't believe your health visitor (ours had never had children herself, and she looked about 12)- we were given some terrible advice about feeding, but luckily my mother was a nursery nurse and set us right.

  6. My youngest was exactly the same but he only had about 3-4 oz of baby milk a day, I was beside myself! But the health visitor said that as long as hes having something he would be fine! Try using his 5oz milk in the morning to make porridge or rusks, But he will let you know when he doesnt need as much milk but keep tryin with the juice, I ended up giving milkshakes (full fat milk and half a teaspoon of nesquik) But that was at about 10 - 11 months, the health visitor also suggested putting some juice in a cup and holding it for him, yes its abit messy but he loved it, think he felt older!!!

    With the night feed try giving some porridge before he goes to bed it will fill his tummy and he shouldnt wake up hungry during the night. Do what you feel is right!!! Good luck.  

  7. when my daughter refused water i gave her water by spoon or by a syringe. she got used to the taste of water and now doesnt have water by bottle. she likes to imitate me so i drink water and she pulls the glass from my hand and drinks herself....she is 8 months old..

    u can try this method.. they to imitate .but please give water or he wont be used to it.

    about milk i wont be concerned every baby is unique u cant expect your baby to drink as much milk as mine does or vice versa..

  8. i don't know

  9. I think that sounds great. My 7 month old girl is eating about the same but her milk intake varies from meal to meal, it depends how much food shes eaten, some times she will only take 2-3 oz if shes filled up on food. I don't think you have anything to worry about, I was worried that my girl was eating too much but they only seem to have as much as they need, when they are full they let you know, my daughter just pushes the spoon or bottle away. I give her a couple of oz of cool boiled water a little after each meal and she sometimes only takes a few sips, don't forget that they get water from pureed fruit and veg as well as their milk so again don't worry. If you are really concerned then speak to your HV but his diet sounds fine to me x

  10. I agree with the comment on forgetting what the so-called doctor said.

    your baby will let you know when he has had enough, he will also let you know when he wants more.

    Our son is 2 1/2 years now, and he weened himself from the bottle at about 13 months.  He threw it across the room, and we never looked back.  He is now refusing to sit in his high chair, He would rather sit in a big chair, or stand and get bites, either way he lets us know what he wants.

  11.    To tell you the truth I'm not totally sure on this one, but it's been my experience that a baby will let you know when they're finished eating, but if you think he's getting over weight to an unhealthy than as the mommy you have to decide when he's finished. I don't see the harm in letting them eat until they're finished unless the doctor has told you he is too heavy.  

  12. I still give my son a bottle in the night if he wants it and he is nearly 15 months old.  Sometimes you just have to go with what your child needs not what the doctor says, they don't know everything.  He'll cut his bottle out when he is ready.  

    Babies rarely over feed at his age so if he didn't want/need it he would refuse it.  It sounds as though he is coming along great and he is getting the amount of fluids he needs.  If you do cut out his night time bottle he is still getting enough fluid.  Good luck!!

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