
8 days past ovulation and 3 faint positives?

by  |  earlier

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Today is 8 dpo, and I caved and did a HPT (internet strip ultra sensitive) and got a very faint line. So, out of curiosity, a few hours later did another 2 and got the same result. It is very early to be getting a positive, right?

Last cycle I had a chemical pregnancy, but I didn't get my first BFP (which was also faint) until 13 dpo. I am sooo scared that this will end the same - anyone out there with similar experiences?




  1. Yea, it sounds like you are pregnant...CONGRADULATIONS! I just ordered the same test and they should be here today or tomorrow. I am 7dpo. There is no such thing as a false positive so as long long as you are looking at the results within 10 minutes or so, any line no matter how faint is a positive:)

  2. Sounds good!! Keep testing with FMU over the next few days until period was due, and again after it doesnt (hopefully) show up.


  3. Congratulations, you're pregnant.

    I got 3 faint positives when I first tested. You cant get a false positive.  if you wait a week and test again the line will be much more clear as the hormone will be more prominent in your system.

    Welcome to the expectant mothers world. I'm 9 weeks now.

    P xx xx

  4. sounds like your preg...well done. a positive is usually a positive, but a neg can sometimes be a positive. you get me? its rare a test will show positive if your not pregnant. congratulations :-) x

  5. You are preg unlike a opk test two lines on a preg test is a positive no matter how it looks faint or bright so the test you took was positive and you are now a mommy good luck you lucky I wish you and the baby the best of luck oh by the way with all my kids all I ever got was faint lines like that I never got a bright pretty good luck!!!

  6. Hi there, for it to be showing faintly positive already, sounds like a good thing as it sounds ike it is going to be a strong one that sticks, and apositive is a positive so Congratulations!

    I also ordered some of the same tests today so should get them shortly. Here's hoping I (and all here) have the same luck as you in getting their BFP.

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