
8 month old, will not eat solids, is this okay?

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My baby is 8 months old and will only nurse and refuses any type of solid, baby food finger food you name it I've tried it. If it makes it to her mouth she gags until it falls out, or will just plain refuse to open it. She is gaining weight normally so should I worry?




  1. Stop trying to force feed the baby. If you’re nursing, the baby don’t need solids. The baby is gaining fine, when he/she is hungry, you’ll get the proper reaction.

    Don’t inflict an eating disorder.

  2. don't worry if she still nurses she's still getting the nutrients from the try later thing some docs say and also some books if your baby gags on solids wouldn't open the mouth then he/she is not ready for solids.So continue to breastfeed an probably try at 9 or 10 months.good luck

  3. My sisters son was just like that.  Any food we would try to feed him (soft or hard) he would gag, or not eat it. He did this for a while but now he is 10 months and eating everything in sight, so I wouldn't worry if she is still gaining weight, just offer her solid food later on.

  4. What does the doctor say? I would keep trying the solids in an upbeat positive way.

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