
8 month old Chihuahua injury to back right leg?

by  |  earlier

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Went to vet: he said it was sprained and gave him an injection into the site. He told me to give him this med by mouth for the next 8 days, and come back to see him, and to keep the pup in bed "yeah easier said than done"! I put to pup on his leash yesterday for a brief potty break and he seems to still be the same "vet visit was Sat". How long will this take, and do I need another opinion? Should I call vet back?




  1. Did you have an xray done? If not I would right away. It may well of started to heal now if there is a break. If it's not healing correctly the little guy could be in for a lot of future problems.

  2. Did your vet take xrays? That is the only way to know if it is really a sprain or if it is broken. If he did take xrays and it is truly a sprain, it is going to take time to heal. If he did not take xrays, call him back and nicely ask him if he would. That way, you will get a more accurate diagnosis.

  3. that happened to my oldest cat....maybe you should go to an animal hospital insyead of vet .

  4. It depends on how bad the sprain is and how well the  rehabilitation regimen is followed when it comes to healing time. What I recommend is to follow your vets orders on medications and things and something you can try is putting ice on the region which will reduce swelling and help with pain. Ice should be applied as much as possible until the swelling subsides or has stabilized, which could take a couple of days. Once stabilization of the swelling happens, warm compressing several times a day for about four days will help increase blood flow to the affected area and will quicken the healing process.

    If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me.

  5. I think you should go see another Vet. You never know if there is more going on in the leg or not and if so then your puppy still has a little bit of growing left and you don't want any disforming.  

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