
8 month old awake half the night. help!!!!?

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My 8 month old daughter has always been a great day and night sleeper up untill recently. She is still having two decent sleeps during the day but the nights ahve become a nightmare. She will wake 1 - 2 times a night but seems to be awake for a about 2 hours each time. She isn't upset and doesn't cry unless she needs help but is very much awake.... playing and talking etc. It wouldn't be a problem apart from the fact that when we get up for the day at about 7am she is stuffed and ready to have a morning sleep before the day has even begun. Please help me to find a way to get her to sleep through the night. i don't feed her or stimulate her at all. i don't talk to her and i keep the lights low if i do get up. she goes to bed at 7pm and is so ready for bed by then. i couldn't keep her up later at all. help




  1. Since she is 8 months old I would say try keeping her up all day.  She will be tired by the time its time for bed and she will hopefully fall asleep.  I would also say try and play with her for a few hours before you send her to bed it might ware her out. These are just ideas.  I try them with my little sister. It does not work for every one though.

  2. She could be teething. Has she learned to do anything eat her feet or make a different noise. Sometimes kids will keep themselves awake if they learn to do something new. They just want to spend as much time as they can mastering it. Probably just a phase, hang in there. Continue with the routine you've always been using and she'll adjust herself.

  3. You may want to start feeding her at night.  She may just need a little more nutrition to tide her over until morning.  Not to mention a warm breast or bottle could be VERY comforting for her to get back to sleep.

    The average baby doesn't sleep through the night until just past a year.

  4. Is she teething?  My son was a great sleeper and started the same habits at 7.5 months and then out popped this little white tooth from his gums.

  5. Could be teething, but that generally means that they are crying and in pain.

    Have you tried giving her her bath right before bed?  You don't mention it.  I always read to my baby right before bed time.  A routine is a very good thing at this age, so if you haven't started doing the same things at about the same times, now is the time to start.  

    Try that lavender bath soap, and maybe some lavender scent in her room or on her pillow.  Make sure it's baby safe.  lavender oil (all natural) is supposed to be good at helping ease one into sleep.

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