
8 month old teething

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My 8 month old is teething, The crying is unbearable, my other daughter never had this problem. I see no teeth but shes chewing on anything she can get her hands on. I just want take the pain away. Any suggestions? I'm using Tylenol and cool teething rings.




  1. Try freezing a wash cloth and giving that to her to chew on. You can also use orajel to numb the gums. Teething is the worst! Hang in there.

  2. try a bottle with ice water in it. it will cool her gums and give her something to chew on. besides they like the sound of the ice cubes! sorry i can empathize.

  3. My son is getting all his teeth in the back, at once.  I give him Motrin before he goes to bed, it really helps.  I do the Tylenol durring the day if it is really bothering him.  I also give him his teething rings, I keep them in the fridge, so they dont get too cold, or I run a clean washcloth under cold water and let him suck on that.  Good Luck!  

  4. You can try some orajel and continue with the cool teething rings. Some kids have a tougher time than others.

    Also you can try a cloth, damp it in water and put in the freezer for a few mins, then give it to your daughter to chew. It helps, and it's very cold for her poor little gums.

    Have you ckecked her gums to see where are her teeth? If you look closely at her gums you'll see something white tryin to come out, also put your finger on her gums see if you feel any bumps.

    Unfortunately there isnt much one can do, just pray it's over soon!!

    Best of Luck!

  5. my baby is teething as well, 10 months old. I use baby orajel for her, as well as tylenol. Also, cold facecloths work well and she also likes popsicles, just help her with them. Good Luck!!!  
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