SO Ive read all the questions on answers about a 8 month old feeding schedule, but none of the answers talk about a breastfeed baby and I am a bit concerned about my little girls feeding schedule. Large part because my doctor recommend me to wean her off feeding at night. She's not eating breastmilk during the day thus the reason why she needs to be weaning off the Breast milk at night. And its not helping that grandma who watches her during the day keeps feeding her real food, such as mangos, apples, grapes (cut up of course or she lets her suck on them) Trust me Ive asked my mom to stop feeding her this way, but she donesnt list to me. Here's her schedule
6am Breastfeed with the boob
9am Cereal by the daycare
12 pm Baby food (veggie or fruits) Day care
Grandma picks her up and through the course of the day feeds her some of the following:
Breastmilk (1 oz) by bottle with grandma
obviously not all these fruits at once but i'd say about 2 ounces of one of these at most
and then when I get home:
at 6pm - breastmilk from me
8 pm small amount of babyfood with cheerios
10 pm breastmilk from me
1 am breastmilk from me
3 am breastmilk from me
Right now I am cutting out the 1 am feeding - which has been somewhat difficult. I plan to cut out the 3 am feeding. Hopefully she will sleep through the night with me weaning her off at night, and also eat more during the day?
Any recommendations would be helpful!