
8 months old still doesn't sit up?

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My daughter is 8 months old and she can walk around her playpen holding on the its walls, but she cannot get herself up from a lying down position. Should i be worried?




  1. I wouldn't worry unless your doctor tells you to, they all grow at different paces!

  2. Walking around holding onto the walls, or cruising is quite advanced.  As for sitting up from a laying down position, three of mine did that around 8 months and the fourth did it at 11.  So, your daughter is perfectly fine.  She's just more interested in walking than sitting!

  3. I wouldn't worry about it; but you can help your baby learn with the right kinds of play exercises.  Your hospital probably has a baby "physical therapy" person that can teach.

    Can your baby roll over?  If not, then you need to work on that first.  Rolling over is developed by offering your baby something interesting to hold, and presenting it in a way that makes her want to reach across her chest, rather than raising the hand straight out.

  4. She's probably fine....some dont even crawl but suddenly walk at one year old..they do things in their own order. The only thing is I would check her hips...are her legs the same length? When you look at her legs is there an extra roll of fat near the top of one of them? If not dont neice had a dislocated hip at birth and it wasnt noticed till she got to the age where she should walk etc...

  5. If the doc isn't worried, and all else is fine, don't worry about it.  

    I know this sounds funny, but two (2) of my friends had babies with a skinny f***y...and they would just tip over.  (Like trying to stand the pointy end of an egg on a counter)

    Good luck  

  6. No not at all. My daughter is 10mnths and she cant get from a lyin postion to sitting up. This is something shel grasp at a later stage. Health visitors only have certain things to check that are major like sitting unaided at 9mnths, walking a few steps by 18mnths...Crawling and gettin into different postions isnt part of the tests

  7. I would talk to her pediatrician just to be sure but all babies are different. Id her doctor says she is ok then I wouldn't worry.  

  8. No, you shouldn't be worried; all babies develop at a different pace.

  9. Althought babies do progress along different timelines, I'd be a smidge concerned. It could be nothing, but then again you don't want to wait too long to find out either. Take her to her pediatrician just to be on the safe side.

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