
8 months ttc, can't test for another 5 days or so?

by Guest33734  |  earlier

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I have been ttc for 8 months now, and I just found out my older sister is pregnant. She's 30 and has one ovary, I'm 21 and perfectly healthy to my knowledge. I can't test yet...but I'm not too confident since it's been 8 months already. I just want to know what I should do about my feelings. I'm totally depressed and don't even want to be around my sister.




  1. It's normal that you are feeling this way towards your sister but at the same time you should be happy for her and give her your blessings. You shouldn't get too negative that you're never going to conceive because you are young and it will happen for you. Track when you're ovulating and go from there. All you can do is try and God will do the rest:) Good luck keep your head up.

  2. I've been ttc for 18 months so I can understand where you are coming from.  When one of my best friends who was "so not ready to even think of a baby" when I started trying got pregnant I had the same reaction you are having.  Then I realized that I didn't want to miss out on being there for my friend because of my own issues.  I had a long talk with her about how it would be difficult for me but I was going to do my best to be a good friend through the process.  Her baby is now 4 months old and while it's still difficult I'm glad I made the decision I did.  

    We have to remember that while our time isn't now, it will hopefully come really soon and we will want our friends/sisters to be there for us so we need to be the bigger person and be there for them first.  Good luck!!!

  3. You just have to beleive when its time it will happen and IT WILL just think about it like this your gonna have a all about me baby which means he or she will come when they want=) just relax and enjoy the s*x. BEST LUCK  

  4. i know exactly what you mean. i have been ttc forever now and a few months back my sister in law said she might want anoter baby then bam shes already 7 weeks pregnant! it sucks to be around her listening to all her baby plans. so my advice to you is just be patient. its ok to feel the way you do so dont feel bad. just be patient and know that your time will come. dont try to ignore your feelings talk to your husband/boyfriend some1 who will listen and not judge you. sometimes just talking about whats bothering you makes it a little better. baby dust to you!!!  

  5. as you can see, there are many other women in the same position as you. we have been ttc since august 2006. since then my sis-in-law (who just turned 20) had a set of twins and not quite a year later had another baby. she is 19 years old.

    it is very hard emotionally, especially when you see people around you who weren't even trying and you have to wonder, "why do i have to try so hard?" and your feelings are completely normal. does your sister know you have been ttc? we have to remember to stay positive and our time will come. i know it is cliche and i understand you are probably tired of hearing it. but try to stay positive and know that your time will come! and don't get down during cycles when you don't "feel" pregnant. symptoms vary from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy. i know that even though you may feel depressed at the moment, you will be happy for her, after all, she is your sister. your time will come! you never know, this could be your cycle! good luck!! :)

  6. OMG I'm going through the same thing, except in reverse. My 'little' sister just got pregnant, without trying, not even really wanting it (she's delighted, of course!) but I was the one who did all the socially acceptable stuff, got married etc, and she did it age 35 with her new BF without even trying. I've been TTC 21 cycles, all my hormones show me to be as healthy as an 18-year-old, and here I am crying my way through the 2WW every month and she's knocked up without trying!!!  It's very hard and I entirely understand the feelings you're going through.

    My sis is now 18 weeks along and I feel fine about it all. Sh knows that I know lots more about TTC than she does, so I get these funny phonecalls saying 'what's progesterone' and stuff. It's a laugh to chat with her and get excited, and I get to see my little nephew or niece as a Christmas pressie. But I didn't feel like that at first, and I'm sure you'll feel better as the months go on. You'll be a fabulous auntie!!!

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