
8 questions for kids.?

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Hi everyone,

I have a slightly confusing question.

I was wondering what 8 questions would be good for children ages 2-6 ish using the following:




Whom ( not sure about this one)








For example:

WHAT colour are your eyes?

WHAT time is it?


Thank you for any help with this, I am stuck I must admit :(




  1. What is your favorite color?

    When do you wear a rain coat?

    Who do you live with?

    Will you sleep at nap time? (if they have a nap time)

    Which is better, a cat or a dog?

    Can you tie your shoes by yourself?

    Do you go to the store with your mom or dad?

    Whose shoes are white?

  2. Who are you?

    Will you play with me?

    Why are you hiding?

    What is your favourite colour?

    Can you give it to me?

    How are you?

  3. Which-

        are you boy or girl?


        is your birthday?

        do you eat breakfast?

        do you go swimming?


        do you visit when your sick?

        do you see when ur teeth get cleaned?

        do you love?


        can you tell its morning?

        can you tell its night?

        many fingers do you have?

        many pets do you have?


        can you sing?

        can you jump?

        can you whistle?


        does the moon come out during the day?

        do you know how to fly?


        it rain tomorrow?

        you hug me?


         is your favorite color?

         do you want for lunch?

         what will you do when you get home?

         what do you want for christmas?

         what is your favorite toy/game?

  4. Hi,

    I have given this answer as i understood your question. i think this will help you...


    Which is your dress?

    Which is your bag?

    we can ask for any possesion to a child which he will find easy to answer


    It is asked for all the possible daily activities


    when is your b'day?

    when will you get up?

    when will you go to bed?

    when will you have your lunch?

    It goes on like this....

    Who and Whom can be combained:

    This can be asked for all the members they meet in their daily life


    Whom do you like?

    who is your friend?

    who will you come to take you home?

    who came to your house yesterday?

    with whom you will sleep?

    who took my pen/bag/handkerchief.....

    It goes on like this......


    this can also be asked for their possesion


    Whose pencil is this?

    whose bag is this?

    whose note is this?

    whose chocolate is this?

    It goes on like this.....


    This can be asked for any daily activities...


    How are you?

    How is your mom/ dad?

    how will you brush your teeth?

    How will you take bath?

    How will you write?

    It goes on like this.....


    This can be asked to express their ability....


    Can you help me?

    can you lift this?

    Can you go there for me?

    Can you bring this?

    Can you jump/jog/hop/run?

    Can you dance?

    It goes on like this...


    Do you know them?

    Do you know how it happened?

    Do you know this?

    Do you know how this works?

    Do you know to jump/jog/run?

    It goes on like this.....


    Will you give me your chocolate/erazer/pencil/bag/snacks?

    Will you help me?

    Will you do this work?

    Will you bring this for me?

    It goes an like this....


    Why are you crying?

    Why did you do this?

    Why did you bring this?

    why are you laughing?

    Why are you pushing each other?

    why are you touching this?

    It goes on like this.....


    What are you doing?

    What is your dad/mom?

    what is your brother/sister studying?

    What will you become later?

    What will you do with this?

    It goes on like this.....

    I think i have given my best for your question...

    All the best.

  5. What is your favorite game?

    Do you wake up in the morning or at night?

    Can you count to ten?

    When do you go home?

    Which game did you like better?

    How do you spell your name?

    Will you tie your shoes?

    Who is your teacher?

  6. ask children questions that promote cognitive and complex thinking. What is your favorite color or ice cream flavor? or which one is the triangle? can only encourage a one word answer, but if you think more complex questions like why do you think it rains? how was your weekend? what happens if we mix red and green together? why do you think cats and dogs don't get along? Maybe their answer will not always be scientifically correct, but it gets them to do something we want children to do think for themselves, children get bored easily, and tell me how many of you would have like to instead of taking a algebra 2 class, trig, or calculus class the teacher made you do simple arithmetic? wouldn't that be boring? well children are the same way.Why are you downgrading their capacity to learn because you are ignorant enough to believe that children can't have complex thoughts.
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