
8 week old sleeping on Boppy pillow

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My 8 week old will not sleep through out the night in her crib. She wakes up alot. Lately, I have been putting her in her pack n play on top of her boppy pillow. She sleeps ALL NIGHT! I know it says not to have baby sleep on, but this is the only thing that works. I do sleep right next to her through out the night and she stays in the same position. I plan to stop doing this as soon as she starts to roll on her own. I am I starting a bad habit?




  1. my 8 week old does the same thing.  Whatever it takes to get her to sleep.

    The reason it says not to sleep on it, is because there are too many lawyers and lawsuits just in case the one in 100 billion chance something ever happened.

  2. i think you need to go with what is working. because if shes not sleeping when she could be and the only reason is "they say baby should not sleep this way or that" then your going to go crazy so go with your gut. Myoldest child they said don't put him on his back. My 2 younger children they said don't put him on his back or front but on the side so I think if it just a pillow and you feel ok about it then keep using it. your no good to her tired and frustrated.

  3. I would talk to your pediatrician as soon as you can.  I don't think that you are starting her into a bad habit, but if she were to wiggle enough and slide down she may end up having her mouth area obstructed.  

  4. Have you tried speaking with her pediatrician?  Your daughter may have acid reflux.  My son had it during the first few months of his life (I always thought that only babies that spit up a lot had it, but he hardly ever spit up!).  I had him sleep mostly in his swing in a sitting position (I had it set up in my room next to my bed).  My pediatrician also recommended having him sleep in his car seat next to my bed.

    Occasionally I would have him also take a nap on the bobby pillow, but only naps with me right there with him at all times.  You never know when a baby will suddenly learn to roll over on their own.  Some babies start way before others.

    Please speak with her pediatrician.

  5. My son is now 2 but he slept in his bassinet on a pillow on his back with - dare I say- a blanket until he was 3 months old! Then after that he slept in his crib on a pillow! What can I say the kid likes pillows and since I am a "bad" mommy I let him sleep how he was comfy!  

  6. no.. im 16 and i sleep with a stuffed piglet doll.. u gotta do what ever it takes..

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